Tweet Of The Day, This Is Indeed The Media Flowchart edition.

And far too many in the Media live for the day that they can finally blame it all on the Tea Party.

Whether or not that will work is another question.

“Calvin & Hobbes: the Movie” trailer.

Yes, I am a bad man who made you click the link.  But look on the bright side:

This movie would not suck.  It could, in point of fact, be a kick-ass indy film that could say some very interesting things about how we come to terms with our childhood thoughts, dreams, and fears.  You could get people coming into the theaters who normally don’t go to indy movies.  You could make your money back on this film.

So I don’t feel guilty.  Neener neener.

Moe Lane

Hey, maybe good news in tomorrow’s job report?

We could use some.  From Gallup:

The U.S. Payroll to Population employment rate (P2P), as measured by Gallup, was 44.5% for the month of April, up from 43.4% in March. This is the highest P2P rate so far in 2013, but is still more than a percentage point lower than the 45.7% seen last October, the highest P2P rate Gallup has measured since it began tracking employment in 2010.

Via Hot Air, who also is finding some other indications (jobless claims down, trade deficit down) that suggests that we’re hopefully going to have a good jobs report tomorrow.  Well, good by current definitions. Still.  Every little bit helps, right?


Come on, I’m trying not to be completely gloomy right now.  The sun’s out, and everything…

Moe Lane

Human trafficking at Saudi diplomatic compound in Virginia?

I really hope that this was an unfortunate misunderstanding that will be cleared up very shortly.

A case of “possible human trafficking” at a Saudi diplomatic compound in Virginia is under investigation, Homeland Security confirmed to News4.

Agents from U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement/Homeland Security Investigations and Fairfax County police were called to a home in the 6000 block of Orris Street in McLean overnight and, in the words of a source familiar with the investigation, “rescued” two women. One woman reportedly tried to flee by squeezing through a gap in the front gate as it was closing.

…because if it’s not, well.  We tend to get a bit touchy on the subject of human slavery on American soil.

Bad touchy.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t care what the rules are in other countries.  This is the United States of America: we are not like other countries.

Penny Pritzker for Commerce Secretary?

We still have a Commerce Secretary?  What the hell has the last one been doing for the past five years? Playing tiddlywinks?

Making official what many Democrats have expected for weeks, President Obama plans to nominate Chicago business executive Penny Pritzker, a longtime political supporter and heavyweight fundraiser, as his new Commerce secretary this morning.

Pritzker’s nomination could prove controversial. She is on the board of Chicago-based Hyatt Hotels Corp., which was founded by her wealthy family and has had rocky relations with labor unions, and she could face questions about the failure of a bank partly owned by her family.

Continue reading Penny Pritzker for Commerce Secretary?

Harry Reid: American people too ignorant to figure out Obamacare on their own.

I can’t believe that Harry Reid actually said this (bolding mine):

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he shares colleagues’ concerns that the Affordable Care Act could become a “train wreck” if it’s not implemented properly.

Reid warned that people will not be able to choose health insurance plans on government health exchanges if federal authorities lack the resources to set them up and educate the public.

The stress must be getting to him.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I’m sure that the Hill was paraphrasing whatever it was that Reid had actually said.  The real point is this: the Democrats are as scared as all get-out about how Obamacare is threatening to unfold on them.  As well they should be.

QotD, Horror Is Where You Find It edition.

Penny Arcade:

Robert had Lasik done awhile ago, so long ago now that he has to wear glasses again, which is apparently a thing that happens.  He would occasionally wear glasses anyway, for their intimidating effect, which was powerful enough to work on me even though I knew they were props.  He told us about the process, which he found beyond odd: the laser man talked to him the whole time his cornea was off, complimenting him on the brilliant color of his iris, now unencumbered by its protective scale.

He told me that story when I first met him, too long ago to even remember when that was exactly, and I’ve probably thought about it one or twice a week ever since: a man who is always in some way unsatisfied with the human eyes he sees, who knows that there is some undiscovered color beneath those shells, a shell he knows is easy, so easy, to pull away.

There’s a 30 minute television horror episode in this one, somewhere.  Assuming that they still do those.  On cable, maybe?  Yeah, probably on cable.

No truce with the Kermit Gosnells.


I’m going to quote Matthew Clark of Bearing Drift here, because he set up the situation pretty straightforwardly:

Virginia, with the support of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, has enacted some of the most stringent health requirements for abortion clinics in the country.  The law allows the Virginia Board of Health to regulate abortion clinics much like hospitals, to ensure that they provide the same operation, staffing, equipping, staff qualifications and training, and conditions as hospitals in Virginia.  These regulations would ensure that no “House of Horrors” operates in Virginia.

Yet, late last week, McAuliffe sent a fundraising email asking supporters to fund his campaign because his opponent, GOP gubernatorial all-but nominee Cuccinelli, “pushed through medically unnecessary regulations on women’s health centers with the aim of his number one goal: ending safe and legal abortion in Virginia.”

Why were these regulations proposed?  Precisely to prevent the horrors of Gosnell’s clinic.  The Washington Post reported at the time this bill was passed, “In recent weeks, abortion foes have cited the case of a Philadelphia area clinic [Gosnell’s] recently shut down after authorities discovered a series of botched and illegal abortions; inspectors discovered containers of fetal parts.”

Continue reading No truce with the Kermit Gosnells.

A friend might help you move…

…and a good friend might help you move a body; but a smart friend CALLS THE FREAKING FBI when asked to dispose of pyrotechnics right after a terrorist bombing.  Details from today’s arrest of three more individuals with regard to last week’s attack against the Boston Marathon.

— A federal law enforcement official told CNN on Wednesday that the charges against two of the individuals taken into custody involve allegedly lying to officials, because when first questioned by the FBI they lied about not seeing the suspects and not knowing their whereabouts after the attack.

— The federal law enforcement source said the charge of conspiring to obstruct justice relates to their moving things from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s dorm room and throwing them into a dumpster. The source said the objects disposed of included fireworks inside backpacks. The trash bin subsequently was taken to a nearby landfill. Authorities carried out a two-day search of the landfill in New Bedford late last week.

Continue reading A friend might help you move…