“Founding Founders.”

Ye gods and little fishes.

founding founders

The question is, will it stick around? That’s actually not immediately obvious. If White House staffers are simply being slapdash historical illiterates again, then sure, it’s going to get fixed to the “Founding Fathers” with all due speed. But on the other hand, this might actually be – God help us all – political correctness. “Founding Founders” is precisely the sort of tin-eared circumlocution that one would expect from a cadre that thinks that proper communication involves tying the English language to a chair, and then making it scream.

Is Colorado state senator Angela Giron resorting to PAYING to have anti-recall supporters?

So, basically it’s going on like this: Colorado State Senator Angela Giron is being threatened with a recall for her support of the rather draconian gun control laws that the (currently) Democratic-controlled Colorado state legislature just passed.  This was, of course, not received well by Democrats, and so Colorado Peak Politics did what all smart Right-populist groups do these days: they saturated the area with cameras and waited for Democratic shenanigans.

They may have gotten some. Continue reading Is Colorado state senator Angela Giron resorting to PAYING to have anti-recall supporters?

Nancy Pelosi: my Roman Catholicism requires me to be pro-choice!


What does this even MEAN?

At a Thursday press conference, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi condemned a bill that would prohibit abortions during the final four months of pregnancy with exceptions for when the life or physical health of the mother was at stake.

Asked what the moral difference is between what Dr. Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and aborting those same infants moments before birth, Pelosi refused to answer.

“As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,” Pelosi said. “This shouldn’t have anything to do with politics.”

Continue reading Nancy Pelosi: my Roman Catholicism requires me to be pro-choice!

The IRS and Barack Obama: mission, as they say, accomplished.

(H/T: Instapundit) Annnnnnd here we go.  Two meaty bits from a Fox News poll:

irs poll 1

Translation: people don’t particularly believe that the Executive Branch didn’t know about the IRS targeting Tea Party groups all along. Continue reading The IRS and Barack Obama: mission, as they say, accomplished.

Democrats in Congress can’t afford to keep their jobs under Obamacare?

Gee.  What an absolute SHAME.

My first response to this was “Cry me a river”…

Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.

The fear: Government-subsidized premiums will disappear at the end of the year under a provision in the health care law that nudges aides and lawmakers onto the government health care exchanges, which could make their benefits exorbitantly expensive.

… but that’s not fair. More accurate to say “Cry me a river, Democrats.” I really do feel bad for any Republican staffer or legislator in a cleft stick over this, and do you know why? It’s because NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE. It’s not their fault. But Democrats either voted for this mess, or endorsed it after the fact – and ‘caucusing with the Democrats’ does, in fact, count as ‘endorsing’ in this context. So does ‘working for a Democrat.’ This is Obamacare. This is what they voted for; if it turns out that it’s actually a hot, steaming mess of pure stupidity and failure, well, we in the Republican party weren’t shy about saying that at the time.

Guess it should be repealed, huh? Continue reading Democrats in Congress can’t afford to keep their jobs under Obamacare?

Ulysses S Obama?

I have a fundamental objection to US News and World Report’s Lara Brown’s take on Barack Obama:

With the revelations of another new and potentially serious scandal, Obama’s presidency becomes more Grant than Lincoln each day.

Not Fitzgerald Grant’s fictional presidency of television series “Scandal” fame, for it abounds with adept fixers, perceptive optics, heroic motives and clever dialogue. I mean Ulysses S. Grant’s scandal-plagued presidency, which was replete with clumsy denials, regretful dismissals, base enticements and desperate political ploys.

Well, actually I have two.  The first objection is that, strictly speaking, the ‘S’ in Grant’s name didn’t actually stand for anything, and thus probably doesn’t require a period after it*.  I know, I know: pedantry.  But my second objection is not pedantry: I frankly think that it does a great disservice to Grant to compare him to Barack Obama.  Ulysses S Grant, after all, showed mastery of a skill set that turned out to be absolutely vital for the very survival of the United States of America.  Barack Obama can read a speech off of a teleprompter. Continue reading Ulysses S Obama?