My basic problem with the #Snowden/PRISM story.

This was a comment made privately by a friend of mine:

If Glenn Greenwald says the sky is blue, my first instinct is to wonder how I could have always been so wrong about the color of the sky, and the second is to wonder how the sky being blue is detrimental to the interests of America.

…and that’s pretty much it.  To paraphrase/mangle Harry Turtledove: activists on the Right tend to believe that America is damaged, and needs to be repaired; while activists on the Left tend to believe that America is wrecked, and needs to be replaced.  Greenwald definitely wants to switch out wholesale our current system, and I am not entirely certain that he wouldn’t be happy to see half of the people that I follow on Twitter end up in a camp somewhere. Trust him at your peril. Continue reading My basic problem with the #Snowden/PRISM story.

Obama administration decides to permit children’s access to abortifacients.

Because apparently it’s not like Barack Obama’s reputation can be any lower among pro-lifers, anyway.

The Obama administration has decided to stop trying to block over-the-counter availability of the best-known morning-after contraceptive pill for all women and girls, a move fraught with political repercussions for President Obama.

The government’s decision means that any woman or girl will soon be able to walk into a drugstore and buy the pill, Plan B One-Step, without a prescription.

Mind you, the President is still personally hesitant about allowing eleven year old girls to dose themselves with drugs because they think that they might be pregnant, or because their ‘boyfriend’ wants them to be ‘safe,’ or because it’s a hot new trend*.  It’s just that Barack Obama feels as a matter of public policy the Republic will fall if Planned Parenthood is stymied in any way, shape or form. Continue reading Obama administration decides to permit children’s access to abortifacients.

IRS lectures pro-life group on acceptable speech, practice of religion.

By the way, and for the record: IRS Agent Sherry Wan is full of… is incorrect in her understanding of the First Amendment to the Constitution, and should be made aware of this at the earliest opportunity.

The transcript is here: it relates a conversation between Pro-Life Revolution’s Ania Joseph and IRS Agent Wan.  The agent’s thought processes are perfectly summed up by this part: Continue reading IRS lectures pro-life group on acceptable speech, practice of religion.

Tim Tebow to play for Patriots.

…Oh, that’s gonna be great for the eventual sports movie.

A few days after New England coach Bill Belichick said he didn’t actually hate former Jets/Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, the Patriots apparently are intent on proving it.

That’s because the Patriots reportedly are signing Tebow to a contract, according to ESPN’s Ed Werder. The team expects Tebow to be at minicamp by Tuesday.

Patriots. That’s perfect.

Hey, ever wanted to see what Andrew Sulliva… no, that’s just too cruel to finish.

Still, this is inane:

Is this proof the Virgin Queen was an imposter in drag? Shocking new theory about Elizabeth I unearthed in historic manuscripts

…Her most famous speech, to her troops at Tilbury as the Spanish Armada approached, was cheered to the skies as she roared: ‘I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England, too.’

American author Steve Berry believes Elizabeth could have been telling the literal truth — that she had the heart of a man, because her body was male. He has spent 18 months researching the conspiracy for his novel The King’s Deception, a Dan Brown-style thriller set in 21st-century London.

Please note that I have not provided an link for that. I have SOME standards. Continue reading Hey, ever wanted to see what Andrew Sulliva… no, that’s just too cruel to finish.

CBS News reports on State Department scandal coverups.

There’s some real dirty laundry, here.

Executive summary: State Department shenanigans involving prostitutes, sexual assaults, drug deals… maybe they happened, maybe they didn’t. We don’t know, because higher-ups in the State Department (Hillary Clinton crony Patrick Kennedy is named-checked) allegedly covered it all up. But there’s a report! Wonder what’s in it! Well, CBS News knows, because screw you, Barack Obama! …And you, too, Hillary Clinton!
Continue reading CBS News reports on State Department scandal coverups.

Hey, everybody: it’s SCOTUS Day!

That’s right, kids: today’s a day where the United States Supreme Court reminds you that complicated, final decisions in tricky law cases are determined by whether Anthony Kennedy liked what he had for breakfast that morning.


Well, at least the Supreme Court isn’t declaring our metadata unconstitutional. That’s something, at least.

SCOTUS Blog is covering it in real time, but feel free to comment here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)