The Democrats had a bad night in the Iowa Senate race.

Sounds like they lost a debate that they needed to win.

Such a tragedy.

Moe Lane

PS: The GOP locking down Iowa would make life exceptionally difficult for Democratic strategists.

The Five Senate Races that will NOT decide control of the Senate.

OK, this is how you reinforce a narrative in This Town.  You start off by writing something like this:

The fight for the Senate majority is increasingly focused on five races: four controlled by Democrats and one held by Republicans. These contests — Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina and Kansas — are acknowledged by both sides to be very competitive, and because of that are likely to see the heaviest spending by both the party committees and the outside groups over the last five-plus weeks of the midterm election.

To a Democrat, that doesn’t sound too bad.  That Democrat already ‘knows’ that Alaska is being locked down for the GOP (true), Colorado is trending the GOP’s way (true), Iowa hasn’t yet slipped into GOP territory yet (actually, it probably has), North Carolina is still in the Democratic zone (we’ll see), and Kansas is a wild card (no, not really).  So there’s still a chance, right? Continue reading The Five Senate Races that will NOT decide control of the Senate.

And this is one reason why many of us worked to get Ted Cruz in the Senate.

This is… perfect.

I almost feel sorry for Anonymous Austin Guy; it must not be fun to have a Republican gently tell you that you’re on the side opposite Ted Kennedy, Russ Feingold, the NAACP AND the ACLU. Then again, that kid was probably so hopped up on smug that he didn’t realize that he had been spanked, so I don’t actually feel sorry for him at all.

New Trailer for the New Witcher Game.

Not a gameplay trailer.

Also, it omits mentioning anything about the rather, ah, ribald nature of the Witcher universe. Not that any of my readers would find such things to be anything except unfortunate distractions from monster slaying and Kings Behaving Badly… Continue reading New Trailer for the New Witcher Game.

Quote of the Day, This is Not Quite A DOOM Moment In The Iowa-SEN Race edition.

But it’s a big, fat warning sign. Short version: the Des Moines Register poll shows Joni Ernst beating Bruce Braley 44-38. That’s not the warning sign. This is:

[Braley] isn’t winning in his home district, in northeast Iowa.

That’s… great news, actually. Which means that it’s horrible news for Bruce Braley.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

PS: Joni Ernst for Senate.