Looks like they gave up and released the Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer.

Got leaked earlier, or possibly ‘leaked.’ Either way, there’s a lot of stuff in there for the comic book fans, it seems.

(Also via @MelissaTweets)

On the ‘margin of fraud.’

These two sentences from Dan McLaughlin’s article on close elections are the most important, I think:

For whatever reason, when statewide races are decided by less than 1 point, Democrats win almost three-quarters of the time.


When the margin opens to 1-2 points, that advantage dissipates, and the Democrats win only half the races…

Continue reading On the ‘margin of fraud.’

Tweet of the Day, This Really Is A Great RPG Hook edition.

You can write an entire adventure around this:

…and note that I’m not making any jokes about Taylor Swift in particular, here. I figure that the kids can have their music in peace and quiet without the old farts sneering at them. God knows that that being done to me ticked me off, when I was their age…

Moe Lane

PS: I assume that all of you know what The Esoterrorists is.

Ooh. New Automata story at Penny Arcade!

Silverside.” Updates Tuesday and Thursday.  Automata, for those who haven’t read the series yet, are hard-boiled detective stories set in an alternate Depression-era world where sentient robots were invented… and then promptly – well, click the link for the stories. This new one is definitely something to look forward to.

White House tries to help Bruce Bailey in his gubernatorial bid… Oh, God, STOP it.

This is starting to offend my professional pride.

Maybe the White House should possibly do Bruce Braley a favor and, you know, shut up or something? – At least, that’s probably how Braley is feeling right now. Personally, I think that Barack Obama should come stump for the guy. Oh, wait, that’s because I don’t have Braley’s best interests at heart.

Moe Lane

PS: And, of course, as I’m writing this up I see this:

Do tell. Do tell.

Jeanne Shaheen caught lying about her opposition to nuclear power.

Rookie mistake.

Really and truly, she did claim that.

Because there’s this thing called YouTube now, you know:

Continue reading Jeanne Shaheen caught lying about her opposition to nuclear power.