Happy pre-Thanksgiving!

…I say this because I just found out that Wi-Fi is extra at the timeshare that we’re going to, so I may be taking the hint, and the rest of the week off.  Awful of me, I know. But I probably need the enforced vacation, not least because I’m on the verge of grinding my teeth over this particular primary season.

But I digress. If I don’t say it later, let me say it now: everybody, enjoy your Thanksgiving. Hope you all have somewhere to go.

My RedState post on Politico whitesplaining Woodrow Wilson.

Found here. Short version: …come, I will conceal nothing from you.  Sometimes you really do see an obnoxious white person condescendingly explain to black people why said black people shouldn’t actually believe their own lying eyes. It doesn’t happen as often as the microaggression crowd pretends that it does, but it does happen.  And it happened at Politico.

NYC Councilman proposes rules to cull bicyclists from the gene pool.

At least, that’s how it sounds to me: “Big Apple bicyclists would be allowed to cruise through red lights and stop signs after merely slowing down and looking both ways, under a proposed bill by a city councilman.”  It sounds very, very Darwinian: admittedly, nobody can drive very fast in NYC, but mass is mass.  And when a bike and rider meet a car, it’s typically the bike and rider that suddenly, and temporarily, go airborne.

Moe Lane

PS: Car accidents are traumatic. Also, somebody has to clean that stuff up afterward.

Jeff Bezos and his reusable Blue Origin rocket.

This is a genuinely big deal:

It’s not quite a rocket ship that goes up under its own power, and back down under its own power, just as God and Bob Heinlein intended; but that’s coming along. Also: Jeff Bezos is now a strong contender to be named God-Emperor of the Geeks. But you knew that already.

Chuck Schumer wants to charge up the gun-control hill again.

Via @RobertBluey: I swear to God, they never learn.

One of the Senate’s top Democrats has promised to renew a push to pass sweeping gun control legislation in 2016.

At an event sponsored by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., announced that Senate Democrats will “bring a universal background check bill to the floor of the Senate early next year.”

…Senate Democrats could have done this in 2009 when they had sixty votes in the Senate, instead of the forty-five they have now.  Of course, if they had we’d probably have sixty votes in the Senate right now and a President who would have cheerfully signed a repeal bill in 2013. What is Senator Schumer’s victory condition, here? Does he even know?

Moe Lane

Ah, the start of holiday season.

As in: it’s time, once again, for the Online Left to remind us that they apparently have no idea whatsoever about how to act like properly socialized human beings at the Thanksgiving table.  What gets me is that they keep writing this stuff every year.  …Do they forget?  Is this, like, a Cosmopolitan thing*?

Anyway, nothing I have beats this for snark (via Twitchy/Instapundit):



Moe Lane

*I am given to understand that Cosmopolitan pretty much just recycles its issues at this point.