Tweet of the Day, Things They Didn’t DARE Do Under George W. Bush edition.

Specifically: chemical gas attacks.

Once we had boots on the ground, anyway. You see, we used to have this policy: nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons were all classified as something called ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ or WMDs. If you used a WMD on us – or our buddies – we would respond in kind. And since it is American policy to only maintain war stocks of nukes, well… a lot of people figured out that it probably wasn’t safe to use any of that stuff while American troops were in the vicinity.  Bad luck, in an actuarial table sort of way.

But that was in the Good Old Days.

:brightly: It’s Thanksgiving week!

Which coincides with a birthday, a family trip, and my mom visiting; so expect things to be scatterbrained here this week. I should probably take up a hobby. Like drinking! – I remember drinking.  I seem to recall that it was kind of entertaining.

Oh, who am I kidding? I don’t have time for booze anymore.  Far too many other things get in the way.

Quote of the Day, The DNC Is Now Quoting GWB Favorably edition.

I’m not going to show you the commercial that attempts to use Bush to attack Republicans, but you can watch it here. This is all that you need to really know about it, though:

I’ve played this three times and still can’t believe I’m watching an ad from the Democratic Party pointing at George W. Bush as a role model on how to think about terrorism. The punchline is, Bush himself mentioned “radical Islam” in his presidential rhetoric; he even used it in the State of the Union, for cripes sake. He used the adjective “radical” because he wanted to suggest a distinction between “real” Islam and the version preached by jihadis — which is the same thing the Republican candidates featured in the ad are doing. It’s these DNC imbeciles, not the GOPers in the ad, who are effectively equating Islam with “radical Islam” by refusing to acknowledge the distinction.

…because, really: the important thing is that any hardcore antiwar Lefties who watched the video in question likely died a little inside from viewing it. This is what the Democratic party thinks of your opinions, oh progressives!  This is their assessment of how worthy your efforts were from 2001 to 2009!


Well, put me in overshoes and call me a duck.

Preliminary results suggest that it’s gonna be Democrat John Bel Edwards as Governor and Republican Billy Nungresser as Lt. Governor in Louisiana.  Who had that in the pool? – Because that possibility wasn’t mentioned, much.

Gonna be some special spinning on this one, folks. For myself, I wonder if David Vitter will take the hint, when it comes to his next re-election race? Guess we’ll see*…

Moe Lane

*Now watch him win after all, just to spite us.