Quote of the Day, A Reminder That Global Warming HYSTERIA Is A Minority Opinion edition.

You can believe what you like about global warming, of course.  It’s a free country. Just remember that, if you think that we should immediately shut down hydrocarbon use in response, you’re actually kind of lonely out there.  From Gallup, in April:

Nearly six in 10 liberal Democrats (58%) assess global warming as a serious threat to their way of life, a judgment not reflected in any of the alternate political identities. Less than half of conservative/moderate Democrats (46%), 35% of independents, 30% of moderate/liberal Republicans and 12% of conservative Republicans agree with this viewpoint.

I find this highly amusing, honestly.  The anti-tech types have spent so much time trying to turn what has been a fairly obvious warming/cooling cycle that stretches back through recorded history into some sort of one-off situation that they completely forgot to convince anybody why we should care. And the problem with predicting apocalypses?  People tend to notice when the predictions don’t come true. And they respond accordingly.

But, hey, don’t let me stop the Democrats from trying to run on that program. Maybe it’ll work out for them this go-round.  First time for everything, am I right?


SOON. Drop the kids off at school, go to the local 9:30 AM showing.  Reasonably straightforward, right?

…Actually, I’m startled that I was able to reserve a ticket. My original pick – 11 AM at the mall – was sold out to Heck and back.  I didn’t actually expect to be able to see this in a comfortable lounge chair at a much more reasonable hour of the morning (from my point of view). Go figure.


Book of the Week: Binscombe Tales – The Complete Series.

Somebody suggested these to me? I think? It’s been a long week.  Anyway: Binscombe Tales – The Complete Series has been rather good, so far. It’s a collection of short stories, which is nice, considering that I’ve had to read in bursts lately.  Which is, honestly, my own darn fault.

And so adieu to The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It’s True.  Already looking forward to Volume 3…

Harvard University does its bit to make Christmas a living Hell for its undergrads.

Please stop doing this.

The Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Harvard University distributed what it is calling “Holiday Placemats for Social Justice” on campus to help freshmen students navigate difficult conversations when they return home for Christmas break.

The placemat, a copy of which was obtained by Campus Reform, offers students tips for talking to their family members about controversial topics such as “Black Murders in the Street,” “House Master Title,” and “Islamophobia/Refugees.” The placemat, divided into four possible topics of conversation, provides students with a series of sample questions they may encounter when they return home to their families along with an acceptable response to each question.

…Because if there’s anything that says “Teaching critical thinking,” it’s “We’ve printed up these talking point sheets for you to stare at while you’re stuck at holiday dinner.”  Seriously, if you’re going to use one, use this one instead:
