So I decided to spend tonight going through old files.

Geez, there were like six, seven short stories in there that I started and never finished. Which I am in the process of refiling digitally so that I don’t lose them again.  I also found something that I did last year here, but never put into PDF form.  Don’t ask me why, I think that I was ill, or something. Anyway, I cleaned up a couple of lines here and there and now it scans better.

And now that the kids are really and truly asleep, it’s time for Stranger Things Season 2.

Molly Malone (Innsmouth) – Google Docs

Continue reading So I decided to spend tonight going through old files.

Tweet of the Day, Just Watch This Justice League Action Clip And You’ll Get The Joke edition.

Trust me on this.

Video after the fold, if you don’t want to click through.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Just Watch This Justice League Action Clip And You’ll Get The Joke edition.

Is this Gary Clark cover of Come Together for Justice League good, or bad?

I dunno. I kind of started out wanting to love it, then I kind of wanted to hate it, and now it’s growing a little on me.

Come Together, Gary Clark Jr.

Continue reading Is this Gary Clark cover of Come Together for Justice League good, or bad?

Stranger Things 2 *finally* drops.

Of course, I can’t actually watch it right now, because the kids are still up.  And I’m probably going to have to declare light posting for the rest of the month, because between the new show this weekend, a short story that is only now starting to gel, and of course Halloween, my schedule is filling up rapidly. I’ve also been discussing time management with my wife, regarding… something that I may be doing next month. I haven’t pulled the trigger on doing it yet, but I’m really really thinking about it.

So there’s that. I gotta generally start working this stuff. The kids aren’t going to be in grammar school forever.

Yeah, sorry, busy Halloween Event day.

It was also a day of throwing together a serviceable chicken soup and what I feel were rather good grilled cheese sandwiches. The soup was largely leftovers and non-perishables, but I cheated and grabbed some chicken broth.  Half an onion from a couple of days ago, a couple of ears of corn … dekerneled? … from yesterday, some chicken from last weekend; fry the onion, toss in the corn and chicken, let it heat up, dump in the broth and some water, throw in all the spices you’re gonna throw, then add egg noodles once the soups about to boil. Get it down to a good simmer, then heat up the griddle for your sandwiches. Everything goes right, the noodles are nice and cooked by the time you finish flipping all the grilled cheese sandwiches*.

So, yeah, quiet day around the website here otherwise.

Continue reading Yeah, sorry, busy Halloween Event day.

Snippet: “Project SHIVA – Prologue.”

No, really, I’ve been thinking about this one lately.

Project SHIVA – prologue
St Louis, 2006

Even spies get old.

Jack Brinley felt that that was somewhat unfair, actually. When he was smack-dab in the middle of his career, Jack always assumed that it would all end somewhere godforsaken, in an abrupt fashion, and with nobody around to care afterwards. That was fine, though; because the corollary to that would be that at least he’d be going out at the top of his game. You didn’t want to fail at your job, but you don’t want to live long enough to stop getting to do it, either.

But that was what happened. Go out the door almost willingly in ‘96, spend the next ten years pretending to write your memoirs, wait for the clock to run out. Deflect questions about what you did, until you realize that saying nothing and smiling faintly was usually all that people wanted to know. Play grandpa — and wasn’t that an alarming, but ultimately welcome, late-life revelation to have? — and practice your cover as a ‘character.’ It actually wasn’t so bad. Compared to prison, a mental ward, or an unmarked grave in Delaware? It wasn’t bad at all. Continue reading Snippet: “Project SHIVA – Prologue.”

In Nomine Revisited: Project SHIVA.

Been thinking about this one lately.

Project SHIVA – Google Docs

Project SHIVA


This secret governmental group is a notable example of why Dominic allows Asmodeus to conduct Renegade hunts without real interference. Simply put, it’s a cult of genocidal nihilists — and the brainchild of two Renegade demons: one of Death, and one of Infernal Fire.  And yes, that’s meant to be alarming.


Project SHIVA was, at the start, just another deniable black project started in the middle of the 1950s. Its purpose was macabre, but legitimate enough, in a horrid sort of way: as both the USA and USSR had begun stockpiling nuclear weapons, with the intent to use them if pushed to the brink, it would be advisable to work out how to use them best. After all, if one were forced to destroy the planet, the entire point of the exercise would be moot if said attempted destruction was incomplete. The project members were thus charged to analyze intelligence reports, geographical studies, statistical analyses — in short, look through all the data on Russia (and later, China), the better to find an optimal way to blow the two countries to Hell.


Unfortunately, this sort of job is fairly rough on the average person’s long-term sanity. Trying to find people who wouldn’t crack under the strain was difficult, but eventually the government was able to refine their selection procedure. Alas, they ended up looking for well-adjusted but callous entities, and they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: one of their analysts turned out to be Gregory, Renegade Balseraph of Death.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Project SHIVA.

India planning second unmanned Lunar mission.

India did an unmanned lunar orbiter back in 2008, and now they’re gearing up to do it again: “The Chandrayaan 2 spacecraft consists of an orbiter, lander and rover configuration “to perform mineralogical and elemental studies of the lunar surface,” the ISRO said.” What makes this of particular interest is the projected price tag: 93 million.  When it comes to space missions, that’s absurdly cheap — for example, the UPI notes that this is about the same price as it costs to get SpaceX rocket into orbit.

Besides, it’s not so much the cost. Or the scientific data that we’d get from doing a Lunar rover (we actually haven’t put all that many up there, although apparently that’s going to change over the next couple of years).  It’s about expanding the skill set that we have more countries out there who know how to do this sort of thing.  You never know when we might need to have people trained up on it.

Via Glenn Reynolds.

Tweet of the Day, Halloween Isn’t Even OVER Yet! edition.

I don’t know what specific obsession fueled this tweet.  I’m pretty sure that I don’t want to know, either.  It frightens me enough as it is.

Moe Lane

PS: No, you probably actually do know this song.  You’ll know it once you hear the first line… and by that point it’d be just too bloody late for you. Some doors you just shouldn’t open early.