M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass started filming.

Over in Philadelphia.  Coming Soon notes that Glass is a sequel to both Split and Unbreakable — sorry, but this is now past the Spoiler Zone — which means that I’m going to go have to watch Split now.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  But in my defense, I stuck with M. Night Shyamalan for about three movies longer than he, strictly speaking, deserved. Well, that’s kind of unfair.  The Village wasn’t awful, although the guy running the place was a horrible human being who deserved a bad end.

Still, apparently Shyamalan’s maybe back to making movies that don’t suck? Because the possibility of that happening is pretty spiffy, thanks. Especially when you realize who the title is referring to.

Creature seed: Cadatons.

Cadatons – Google Docs



Modern necromancers make these by taking 3D printer feedstock that’s been premixed with gravedust and powdered human bone, then printing out a complete humanoid skeleton that is about the size and weight of an empty 17 ounce plastic soda bottle.  Why?  Because that’s light enough — and specially treated enough — to allow your standard disembodied spirit to inhabit one indefinitely.  Assuming that the joints and whatnot were printed and put together properly, the Cadaton can even move — very, very slowly — under its own power.

Continue reading Creature seed: Cadatons.

Item Seed: The Book of Cooper Duly.

The Book of Cooper Duly – Google Docs

The Book of Cooper Duly


Physical Appearance: Originally, this book was a 18th Century treatise on the proper and safe use of copper dust (copper sulfate).  It was a slim volume of about 30 pages, indifferently bound from loose sheets, and cheaply covered.  However, at some point in the last sixty years it seems to have had, well, evil dripped on it — and now the book is horribly distorted.  The cover now says “The Book of Cooper Duly,” and where the leak has spread the pages have become thicker, better quality, and show alterations in the text. The effect is like seeing a paperback swell up after it’s gotten wet, only a bit more organized.

Continue reading Item Seed: The Book of Cooper Duly.

In Nomine Revisited: Mr. Alpu and Mr. Beytu.

Old favorites of mine.

Mr. Alpu and Mr. Beytu


Mr. Alpu and Mr. Beytu

Calabim of the Game


Mr. Alpu

Corporeal Forces: 6 Strength: 12 Agility: 12

Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 6 Precision: 10

Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12

Vessel: large man/6

Mr. Beytu

Corporeal Forces: 4 Strength: 6 Agility: 10

Ethereal Forces: 6 Intelligence: 12 Precision: 12

Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12

Vessel: Small man/6

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Mr. Alpu and Mr. Beytu.

“Oh, the Ringworld is Unstable / But It Won’t Be Shown on Cable…*”

…Bezos optioned up this fable
And that’s good enough for me!

Gimme that old-time space opera
Gimme that old-time space opera
Gimme that old-time space opera
On Amazon TV. Continue reading “Oh, the Ringworld is Unstable / But It Won’t Be Shown on Cable…*”