So, went to the Newseum today.

What possessed my kid’s school to schedule a field trip on Halloween I’ll never know.  On the other hand, it had a piece of the Berlin Wall (and an East German guard tower), which I actually wanted to see.  And on the gripping hand, I took the opportunity to get a little counter-programming in on the Cold War.  Nothing too heavy-handed, of course.  But it’s never too early to let kids know the truth about Soviet Communism*.

Moe Lane

Continue reading So, went to the Newseum today.

In the e-mail: Delta Green: Handler’s Guide.

Delta Green: Handler’s Guide is the GM guide for the Delta Green RPG itself; and when you’ve been a fan of the game for as long as I have, the updating of the backstory alone is going to be worth it. A lot of stuff has gone down in the Delta Green universe since the 1990s.  And, as would be appropriate for a Cthulhu Mythos game, things have gotten worse.  I have some fun Halloween reading to look forward to.

So. NaMoWrimo.

As my wife gently pointed out, if one wishes to be a novelist, one must actually have novels to hand. So we’ll give it a shot.  On my terms, though; I’m not planning to make a big deal out of it here, I’m not going to get all misty-eyed mystical on the subject, this is all about buckling down and working.

And I refuse to research a damned thing.  If real world people or organizations don’t in fact act in the way that I’ll be writing them, well, they should change that immediately.

In Nomine Revisited: The Necronomicon, v2.3.

I’d apologize for all the puns in this one, except that I don’t like lying to you fine folks.  There may be a few people out there who still haven’t forgiven me for this, a decade later.

Necronomicon, v23

The Necronomicon, v2.3

It’s interesting (if not particularly surprising) that Jean, Archangel of Lightning, is absolutely personally prosaic about naming his creations. If it’s a gun, he calls it a gun. If it’s a particle accelerator, he calls it a particle accelerator. If it’s a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble a corporeal life form, he calls it a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble a corporeal life form. Jean prefers things to be clear. However, the Archangel does recognize that his non-Elohim servants tend to favor more ‘colorful’ names, so he lets them indulge themselves. It may not add anything to a particular device’s utility, but it doesn’t take anything away, either, and the boost to morale is slight but measurable.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Necronomicon, v2.3.

One day to go until H-DAY.

I’m trying that out.  …Not working, huh?  Yeah, probably not working. Anyway, got the glow-in-the-dark skeleton in the mail and finally up (with any luck, it’s not actually radioactive or anything). All the candy has been gotten, and not a single bag opened ahead of time!  The eldest is going on a field trip tomorrow (which I’m chaperoning, for my sins), so I had to run to the supermarket, but I think that everything’s ready to go.

Although my kids are probably expecting me to take the car to school tomorrow. Which I would, except that then I can’t give the crossing guards their Halloween candy. Full-sized Hershey bars. It’s really hard to go wrong with that*. Continue reading One day to go until H-DAY.

Intriguing Swedish adaptation of Stoker’s Dracula novel makes its appearance.

So, background: there’s an Icelandic-language version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula (called Powers of Darkness) that’s pretty gonzo (English translation here). We didn’t know about it for a long time, because it was in Icelandic, which meant that anybody who came across it probably just assumed that it was a straight translation. But it’s not: there’s apparently a good bit more sex, action, and Satanic Masonic Conspiracies in the Icelandic text, which made it ideal fodder for Ken Hite’s The Dracula Dossier (you simply must acquire a copy, if you have not yet done so) RPG supplement. Continue reading Intriguing Swedish adaptation of Stoker’s Dracula novel makes its appearance.

Item Seed: Tim Burton’s Scary Christmas (1993).

Tim Burton’s Scary Christmas (1993) – Google Docs

Tim Burton’s Scary Christmas (1993)

Description: A standard movie DVD and case, apparently printed in 2003.  The full title is Tim Burton’s Scary Christmas: Tenth Year Anniversary Edition.  The cover shows an animated Santa Claus wearing a skeleton mask; beneath is the legend “Boo Boo Boo.”

Continue reading Item Seed: Tim Burton’s Scary Christmas (1993).