Movie of the Week: War of the Worlds (Spielberg).

Not entirely sure why: that version of WAR OF THE WORLDS has been coming across my screen a few times over the last week or so. It’s actually not a bad film, although it grapples with the usual problem of How do you make an almost entirely reactive protagonist heroic? that WotW movies have. I also remember being amused at the time at how Spielberg did everything to favorably portray American soldiers except put actual halos around their head. Given the absolute crap that passed for war movies in the Oughts, this was no small act of defiance.



CHEECH & CHONG’S LAST MOVIE first drops April 20th. …Yes. Yes, of course it will. I would be disappointed in them if it released on any other date.

This is actually more a movie for people in their sixties and early seventies than it is for people in their mid-fifties. …Still. They’re looking well, aren’t they?

More yet on Milken Forts (Back the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit!)

Please? Nine more backers and $245 dollars to go before the next rewards. ‘

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I’m not really rooting for injuries in Uwe Boll vs. Warner Bros…

…it’s just that I think they kind of deserve each other: “Infamous director Uwe Boll is stirring up controversy again, this time refusing to change the title of his next movie, The Dark Knight, despite a warning from Warner Bros. Discovery.” It’s also going to star Armie Hammer, if you were looking for another reason to vaguely wish that all of these people would go off somewhere and iron everything out. Slowly. Over the course of several years.

Seriously, I don’t even want them getting hurt, not really. I’m not a monster. I just want them too busy to bother me.