Dammit, Bioware, some of us don’t *have* XBox 360s.

Some of us have PCs on which we would be playing our Dragon Age: Origins DLC.  Return to Ostagar is almost two weeks late: I’ve been preparing my post-epilogue party for its run for almost that amount of time*.  Give me the DLC, already.

Yes, yes, if I had a Xbox 360 I wouldn’t be worrying about all those benighted, beleaguered PC sufferers. Your point?

Yes, well, we already knew that I’m strange.

Moe Lane

*Heavy mage for this one: my Elven mage (arcane warrior/spirit healer) as tank, Leiliana (bard/ranger) as DPS/lockpick/automated drone controller, Wynne (spirit healer/arcane warrior) as buffer and Morrigan (shapechanger/arcane warrior) as DPS.  I expect a lot of pyrotechnics.

Harold Ford politely declares war on Democratic Establishment.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers.

Glenn Reynolds and Kleinheider both focused on Ford’s unwillingness to take Obama’s direction on who should be the anointed junior Senator from New York, but the real hit there took place earlier:

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‘No Negro dialect.’ Admittedly, beating up on Harry Reid is fun – at this rate, I could run against him and win, and the only times I’ve ever been in Nevada was when I’ve flown over it – but it’s a sign of just how bad the year promises to be for the Democratic party*. After all, Reid is Senate Majority Leader.


Moe Lane

*Ford has promised that if “I am elected senator from New York, Harry Reid will not instruct me how to vote” – and you know? That’s looking like it’s going to be a really easy promise for him to make.

Meet Michael Meehan. Democrat.

He’s currently on loan to the Coakley campaign from the DSCC:

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee also dispatched Michael Meehan, a media consultant with ties to Massachusetts, to assist the Coakley camp with messaging.

And this is the guy that attacked a Weekly Standard reporter last night after Coakley’s lobbyist-driven fundraiser:

You think that it’s the same guy? It looks like the same guy.

BIG HT: Hot Air.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Ah, the good old days.

John Hawkins went trawling through his picture archives to find some examples of the classy, logical, loving antiwar commentary that we were all so blessed with, for so long.  To give you a calibration check: this one…


…is easily the sanest of the bunch.  And yes, the most infamous one of the time period is on that list.

Moe Lane

PS: I’d say that someday somebody’s going to have to explain to me what the Hell the antiwar movement has against Jews with guns Israelis, except that I suspect that if I even look like I’m soliciting an actual answer I’ll be inundated with a lot of badly-spelled screeds trying to justify/excuse the practice.  Which screeds will all die unread and unlamented in my spam filter, of course.

Coakley can’t even remember her position on *abortion* these days.

Bill Jacobson points out a minor detail with Martha Coakley trying to spin Scott Brown’s past support of permitting medical personnel to have a religious objection to the morning-after pill into being anti-rape victim: she’s on the record as supporting far more.  first, Legal Insurrection:

Here is the language in section 1302(a)(3) of the bill (at page 125) passed by the Senate on December 24 (emphasis mine), which Coakley says she supports:

PROVIDER CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS.—No individual health care provider or health care facility may be discriminated against because of a willingness or an unwillingness, if doing so is contrary to the religious or moral beliefs of the provider or facility, to provide, pay for, provide coverage of, or refer for abortions.

The Senate language will provide protection for hospitals and doctors who, due to religious or moral beliefs (a broader exemption than Brown’s “religious beliefs” standard), refuse to provide abortions. This language is broad enough to provide an exemption even in the case of rape victims. This language also is not dependent upon whether the abortion service otherwise is allowed under the Hyde Amendment regarding federal funding of abortions.

Now – well, December – noted VWRC rag… TalkLeft:

Can’t say I didn’t warn you about Martha Coakley. The latest: a Bait and switch.  During her campaign to replace Sen. Ted Kennedy, she said she wouldn’t support a bill with restrictions on abortion.

Today, she announced her support for the health care bill with its restrictions on abortion funding.

As I noted at the time, when it came to abortion Coakley blatantly broke her word to the very progressive Left that she’s now trying to galvanize into action against Brown – for something that she’s hypocritically to Brown’s right on.  That’s politics for you: but if Coakley can’t even keep track of what she is and is not supposed to be supporting at any given time, well…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Daily Caller looks at Brandon Darby.

Interesting article here from the Daily Caller on Brandon Darby, who people might remember as being the former fringe-left activist who helped the FBI shut down a domestic terrorist cell planning to murder people at the Republican national convention. For this act of elementary patriotism and decency he has, of course, been vilified (the woman mentioned in passing as being arrested for making death threats was later acquitted).  A few thoughts:

  • Speaking as somebody who was actually at the 2008 convention, I appreciate not having been burned to death.
  • I don’t actually expect the fringe Left to be sorry that they put themselves in a place where my being burned to death seemed like a good idea, but it would be nice if they didn’t feel safe to be so flipping wistful about the missed opportunity.
  • ‘The Texas Two.”  Ye gods: this entire City Integer way of looking at organizers of violent political protests is subtly corrosive to the Left’s soul in general, and the Democratic party’s in particular.  In other words, I’d like people to stop treating the Chicago Seven as being somehow worthy of emulation*.

What a world that any of this has to be written out, no?

Moe Lane

*What?  Yes, yes, I’d always like a pony, too.  Unfortunately, there’s no space for one on my Amazon.com wish list.

Crossposted to RedState.

I declare DOOM for Martha Coakley (D, MA-SEN).

I’ve been fighting the urge: it’s Massachusetts.  But let’s review the evidence.

  • The latest Rasmussen poll: 49/47 Coakley/Brown.  That’s +2 Coakley for likely voters.  Definite ones?  +1 Brown.  The total shift is +7 Brown in a week.

  • And lastly: Coakley is scared. She admitted to being frightened in a conference call today at the way that Scott Brown has come out of nowhere to disrupt her coronation.  She needs money.  The campaign that bragged about the 5.2 million dollars that they raised last year needs money.  That’s why the DSCC is throwing almost 600K into the race.  So that Martha Coakley can maintain parity against the interloper.



Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for US Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.