100 Backers on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit! Woot!

That means that all of the backers of the Fermi Resolution Worldbook will get extra maps as part of the art download. At the moment, that specifically means the ‘North America at different times’ maps, but it’ll probably extend to the maps I’ll be commissioning as part of the first stretch goal. I’m still assessing who will be making those; I want to see how the artist who’s doing the maps for the cross-collaboration between me and Lead & Chrome works out first. We’re not on a time crunch, and if I like how she fulfills this project, no reason why I shouldn’t keep that going…

Back the project(s) today!

Reminder: interview tomorrow with Mildra the Monk about the Backerkit.

You’ll be able to tune in here – or whatever they call getting onto Twitch – February 25, 2025, 8 PM Eastern Time. Mildra will be talking to me about The Fermi Resolution Worldbook, which is by the way only 3 backers away from everybody getting extra map art. Check it out, check that out, and you’ll see me tomorrow!

First stretch goal reached for THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK!

We have just passed $2,500 on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit! Thank you so much! To expand on what backers will be getting:

It is the wild and woolly days of the Twenty-Third Century. A beast-man has attacked a Second Republic trade caravan at Poughkeepsie, and fled east! But is he more man, or more beast? Either way, your party must track him down. There are places along the coast that you would not send your worst enemy…

Continue reading First stretch goal reached for THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK!