‘The Defenders’ elevator teaser trailer.

It’s kind of obscure what the release date for The Defenders is, but Coming Soon says it’ll be August 18th.  Other than that… come, I will conceal nothing from you: I am behind.  I’m chewing through Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. now: the rest of the Marvel shows are earmarked for when that series is done.  Thank God for treadmills, huh?

Samuel L Jackson gearing up to die in the Blob remake.

Yup.  They’re remaking the Blob.  I assume that Samuel L. Jackson will die in it, because he actually dies in a lot of his films.  Presumably this is all right with him; of course, having a net worth in the hundred of millions probably cushions that particular blow something fierce. It certainly would for me.

If you’re wondering why I’m not particularly exercised by this, well…

Sure.  Let’s light this candle. We have as much right to make cheesy movies as did our grandparents.

The Final “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” trailer.

I think that it is official: Guy Ritchie is all out of [expletive deleted]s to give.   He must figure that he survived Madonna, which means that he can survive anything. He’s certainly not going to be constrained with anything that gets in the way of making King Arthur: Legend of the Sword at any level below that of eleven with extra volts.

I would have liked to have been at the meeting where Jude Law asked Ritchie just how out there he could get.  Because when Ritchie looked back at him blankly and said I’m not sure I understand the question it would have been interesting to see Law’s reaction. After all, Jude Law can get pretty far out there.

The latest ‘Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets’ trailer.

It looks pretty promising. I’ll want to get a feel for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets from the reviews and everything, but it certainly appears spectacular. As I’ve noted before I’ve never read the comics, but I can see the appeal:

It comes out July 21st.