Four days to go on the Yellow King RPG Kickstarter…

…and if you’ve been holding out on said Kickstarter because you wanted them to cough up the good stuff, well, Robin Laws has been coughing up the good stuff.  This is going to be an aesthetically pleasing RPG, in addition to being probably an interesting classic of the horror gaming genre. So go ahead and plop down the money. Or not, because Carcosa awaits, either way.

So, you might as well plop the money anyway.

Item: The Imperial Crown of America.

Imperial Crown of America – Google Docs


The Imperial Crown of America


This particular artifact enjoys a certain reputation in the occult underworld. After all, seldom do you see a vicious practical joke presented in such an expensive, if not actively obscenely extravagant, style.  The Crown itself clearly owes its conceptional design to the infamous works of Robert Chambers: it is a diadem of beaten gold with multiple faceted diamonds, with inlaid carvings that suggests tentacles, seaweed, the tattered silk of a pallid and faceless King… you know the drill.  It’s really made out of gold, by the way, and those are real diamonds.  Which means that the thing is ridiculously heavy, but never mind that right now.

Continue reading Item: The Imperial Crown of America.

Item Seed: the 2013 Tucker Tornado.

2013 Tucker Tornado – Google Docs

2013 Tucker Tornado


This car came flying out of an anomalous sudden cyclone just north of Sydney on June 19, 2017; while the car itself suffered only minor scuffing damage, everything organic inside (including the three human passengers) was dead.  And ‘everything’ means everything.  Some of the sealed objects and surfaces inside were more sterile than an operating room.  The car itself is a very nice four-door sedan, light blue in color, in reasonably good shape but still showing some wear.  The brakes and steering are on the standard American automobile pattern, but it’s powered by a kerosene burning steam engine and there isn’t a single transistor in the vehicle (or on the bodies).  What electronics there are uses strictly vacuum tube technology.

Continue reading Item Seed: the 2013 Tucker Tornado.

Slowish night.

Spent a bit of it trying to figure out the best breakpoint for an alternate timeline where, for reasons never really explained, nation-states above a certain population level tend to break in half.  I was using the USA for my target number — I wanted to get about five countries out of it — but that leaves a paradoxical amount of too many countries being affected, and not enough.  Turns out that using a number of about 70,000,000 million leaves Europe (outside of Russia) pretty much intact, and gives India/China both just not enough countries that I’d have to do something more than make up lines on a map.

So, yeah, I’ve been playing with spreadsheets.  Ah, the glamorous life of the amateur gaming writer.

Item Seed: Adam Madeira.

Blame this.

Adams Madeira – Google Docs

Adams Madeira


Back in 2015, renovators and catalogers at Kean University discovered that a portion of the university’s wine cellar consisted of a shipment of Madeira wine laid down in 1796 to celebrate John Adams’ Inauguration. The Madeira, of course, was still drinkable — the stuff can last for centuries — which is why the entire consignment was quietly stolen one night and replaced with a rather nice stock from the Illuminati’s own stores that was equally old, but not nearly as mystically potent.  It was, of course, a wrench for the Secret Masters who were personally discommoded by the switch, but manners are manners.  You simply do not steal from somebody else’s cellar.


Well, unless they’re treating the wine abominably.  The Secret Masters are still human beings.  Or at least a functional working equivalent thereof.

Continue reading Item Seed: Adam Madeira.

Pacheco-Chiba Syndrome [GURPS 4E]

Pacheco-Chiba Syndrome – Google Docs

Pacheco-Chiba Syndrome [0]


Official knowledge of this particular medical condition is more or less suppressed –although that makes what’s happening sound far more official than it actually is.  In reality, nobody in the field of medicine wants to admit that Pacheco-Chiba Syndrome exists, because if they did they’d probably get laughed into an early retirement.  And by people who themselves know full well that the Syndrome is very real.

Continue reading Pacheco-Chiba Syndrome [GURPS 4E]

It’s gonna be real interesting to see what happens with Invisible Sun.

Monte Cook is taking preorders for their Invisible Sun RPG, and it’s a fascinating price structure, really.

Continue reading It’s gonna be real interesting to see what happens with Invisible Sun.

Group Seed: Greenhalgh and Meegeren.

Blame this.

Greenhalgh and Meegeren – Google Docs

Greenhalgh and Meegeren


It is certain that the two entities that run this particular corporation are not actually named ‘Greenhalgh’ or ‘Meegeren;’ names have power, which means that anyone who runs the best emergency forgery firm in three universes would be well-advised to use a pseudonym whenever possible.  Even when that firm operates perfectly legally.  Even if ‘legally’ is itself at best an euphemism.

Continue reading Group Seed: Greenhalgh and Meegeren.

Atomic Overmind Press is coming back on-line!

They’re doing that Ken Hite second volume Tour de Lovecraft Kickstarter later in the month, and they’re also going to do new content for The Day After Ragnarok:

The Speleo-Herpetologist’s Handbook  opens up the biggest, deadliest, most poisonous dungeon ever — the 2,500-mile long body of the dead Midgard Serpent — to adventure and horror. Loathsome new monsters, deadly ophi-tech, and complete adventure support in  The Day After Ragnarok style all wait for you … inside!

The day’s looking up.

Creature Seed: Drankfay.

Drankfay – Google Docs



Drankfay are, thankfully, rare. Not because they’re dangerous — well, any more dangerous than any other Fae species, at least — but because the way a nature spirit becomes one is rather alarmingly humiliating.  Mortals tend to feel bad about it all, even if the Drankfay isn’t upset about what happened to her.  You see, Drankfay are what you get when a nature spirit associated with, say, potatoes gets accidentally caught up in the distilling process and promptly fermented.  

Continue reading Creature Seed: Drankfay.