I’m hoping to have DARK HISTORY done by Sunday.

Normally it would be ‘done by Saturday,’ but Saturday is the MD Renn Faire. I’ve got most of the illustrations made, and… yeah. There’s a reason this sucker’s only going to be 99 cents. I’m not saying they’re wretched, but I’m leaning heavily on manipulating the public domain clip art; and brothers and sisters, but it shows.

Tentative cover art:

Again, not wretched, but… I am a writer, not an artist.

Another DARK HISTORY page.

My schedule got thoroughly horked today, thanks to a doctor’s appointment that should have been over by 10 AM, but instead started then and stretched all the way to lunch. Good news came from it – my eyes are not oxidizing any faster than is normal for mortal humans – but I was hoping for more time to do things today. So I decided to finish laying out the text for DARK HISTORY instead. Tomorrow I start making charmingly authentic clip art for it. Hopefully I can have it ready by the middle of the month, because I should have done all of this in August.

Continue reading Another DARK HISTORY page.

The Kenneth Hite’s Cthulhu Bundle of Holding.

Constant Reader Luke mentioned this in comments earlier, and I was meaning to bring it up, myself. Ken Hite’s bundling up a bunch of his Cthulhu stuff for Bundle Of Holding; I have everything except the Tarot already, and everything I already have is worth the fifteen bucks, all on its own. Getting the whole thing for that price is an absolute no-brainer.

New October Project: An Expansion of DARK HISTORY (TTRPG).

DARK HISTORY was my proof-of-concept where I took a bunch of spooky stuff and threw it together as an RPG supplement. Non-commercial, and I got a good idea of what that kind of project entailed. Now I’m going to work on an expanded version of it, to put up on DriveThruRPG. I need to edit and use some clip art to make it, but that’s okay. It’s something to do when I’m not doing stories.

Moe Lane

PS: Check out my other RPG stuff here. Assume a similar price.

I may be having conversations with people about the Fermi Resolution RPG.

As everyone who is interested already knows, the Fermi Resolution RPG is mostly done. A buddy of mine in the TTRPG space may know a couple of people who would be interested in doing the layout work necessary to make it into something sellable. If I do that, the tentative plan then would be to funding it by trying out Backerkit’s crowdfunding platform, and see how that goes. I’ve heard really good stuff from people who have used it for direct crowdfunding, and certainly Backerkit’s customer service is excellent.

So keep watching the skies!

TRAIL OF CTHULHU Second Edition Backerkit starts October 15th.

Welp. This could prove expensive. Worth it, but expensive. On the gripping hand, TRAIL OF CTHULHU is a great game and a second edition is justifiable. GUMSHOE as a system has adapted a bit since the game came out and some updating seems reasonable. Can’t wait!

The “The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition” Backerkit.

Full disclosure: I know a couple of the folks at Green Ronin, and I’d like to sell some stuff to at least one of them in the near future. That being said, I did back The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition: I’m trying to get back into the books, and what I’ve managed to watch of the show so far is excellent. Also, doing my due diligence I can tell you that the company absolutely hates AI prompts. Finally, this project at least is using regional distributors (and thus I think operating under a print-on-demand system generally). I’m personally satisfied that the product is ethically sourced, in other words.

So fee free to check it out.