02/09/2023 Snippet, VERDICT OF HISTORY.

Almost done with this miserable bastard!

The Archmage had messed around with her own wards, like the Dominion always ended up doing. They weren’t supposed to let anybody through once up, sure. The thing was, somebody had to be allowed through on the regular, unless Lacewing felt like cleaning her own dishes away; and her mage assistants were on the pass-through list. You couldn’t just cut off a hand and gouge out an eye, though. The wards cared if somebody tried to use a mage-corpse to get access. They didn’t give a shit if the mages were alive, but brain-bleeding chumps, though.

Only thing was, you had to be practically dry-humping whoever you were using as a key in order to keep the wards from closing on you. Razor-Claw could feel a sudden pressure on the back of his skull as the field snapped away the last half inch of his hair. Gotta clean that up afterward, he realized. Can’t let them use my hair to track me.

He’d worry about that later, though. Right now there were two more people in the room than he had planned for.

Tweet of the Day, Questions, Smuestions, This Is Pay Copy Anyway edition.

I hate every person who got ‘tricked’ like this. Not hate-hate, just envy-hate. I especially liked the touch where he invited somebody to be the straight man, and some hero stepped up:


Via @baseballcrank.

I’ll believe in a new FANTASTIC FOUR movie when they show me a trailer.

They’re supposed to be filming the new FANTASTIC FOUR in 2024. Which is another way of saying that nobody’s been cast for it yet. Which is good, in its way. If you don’t know who the cast is, you can’t be disappointed by the choices, and/or how they butchered the role.

Sorry, that comes across as bitter. Probably because it is: a decent F4 flick has been teased for decades. Hell, it’s been teased for as long as I’ve been alive. Only, we never got one. Why should now be any different?

So, I participated in that Tolkien oral history interview.

Fairly short, but fun. For those that don’t remember: there’s a Tolkien Fandom Oral History Collection project going on out of Marquette University. I just did an interview; I basically just talked about how I got into Tolkien, what he means to me, why he’s important, that sort of thing.

The guy running the project is looking for more folks who can talk about why they’re Tolkien fans, and who can connect via Zoom. You can use this link to find out more about scheduling your own interview. The questions aren’t intrusive, and thinking about the answers beforehand proved good for my own self-awareness. It never hurts to articulate why you love something.

LOCKWOOD & CO is good, but different than what I expected.

I had come in expecting to see a show about hunting dangerous ghosts, and that part of LOCKWOOD & CO delivers. What I hadn’t been expecting was how ruthless its world was. If you’re thirteen* and can detect ghosts, welp, here’s your iron sword and firebombs. Try not to die, get put into a permanent fugue state, or fall into substance abuse.

Continue reading LOCKWOOD & CO is good, but different than what I expected.

‘Rump Shaker.’

A public service announcement to twenty-somethings: your mom very well might be in this video somewhere. She absolutely was listening to this song before she slammed a jello shot, popped some E, and then fornicated with somebody who wasn’t your dad. Or at least her best friend did, very possibly with the guy who did become your dad.

So stop trying to shock her. She probably thinks you’re doing it wrong anyway.

Rump Shaker, Wreckx N Effect


Honest trailers, thankfully, did not let their enjoyment of BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER (and it was a good superhero flick) get in the way of calling out the various inconsistencies, flaws, and nigh-incessant (if often subtle) pimping of the next phase of the MCU. Which is nice. I was mildly worried that they’d feel bad about bringing any of that up.


Moe Lane

PS: I stand by my earlier review: this is one of the saddest (as in sorrow and grief) superhero movies you will ever see.