I am curious as to what *kind* of WICKER MAN series Andy Serkis wants to develop.

Background: “Andy Serkis is set to develop a series adaptation of Robin Hardy’s 1973 horror movie classic The Wicker Man. Serkis will develop the series with producer Jonathan Cavendish and writer Howard Overman (Misfits and War of the Worlds).” I’m not objecting to an adaptation of THE WICKER MAN per se, mind. I think it could work, as long as the following assumptions are made:

Continue reading I am curious as to what *kind* of WICKER MAN series Andy Serkis wants to develop.

A point of order on Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series.

To wit: Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series is not evocative of “Those Who Walk Away From Omelas.” It is a rejection (whether intended or not) of Le Guin’s malignant thesis that the only options when confronting evil is to either just live with it, or else flee from its power*. There’s always the choice to fight back.

Okay, I’ll get off this soapbox now.

Continue reading A point of order on Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series.


…Oh, I’m sorry. Did I shout that out? My bad. Anyway, the SECRET WORLD RPG Kickstarter is actually at $101K, which is hardly shabby for a $40K project. I look forward to the next stretch goal, although not nearly as much I look forward TO GETTING THE TOKYO DUNGEONS AND THE FUSANG PvP BOARD BACK, FUNCOM…

Sorry! Sorry!

‘The Complete History of the Rick Roll.’

Via Geeks are Sexy. It’s a quirky little collective interview about one of the oddest internet sensations of our time: obviously, the Rick Roll. It’s a fun watch, honestly, and not least because nobody involved can quite understand what the hell happened.

Continue reading ‘The Complete History of the Rick Roll.’

Tweet of the Day, This Is What Soul Damage Looks Like edition.

I am now mildly, and maliciously, curious to hear the actual exchange. Specifically, I want to hear if I’m just imagining hearing Carpenter’s weary disdain. If not, the effect must have been not unlike an adult suplexing a toddler.


The Moe Lane Halloween Chapbook sale continues!

Reminder: all four of my chapbooks (ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES)- will be on 99 cent sale for the rest of the week. There are four stories (a mix of spooky, horror, and fantasy) in each book (32K words total per book, more or less), each with its own illustration. Ideal for people looking for quick reads. And cheap, too! What’s not to like?
