The SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE teaser trailer.

I don’t hate the SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE trailer. I mean, the penguins are cool. I’m not going to see it, unless my kids want to, but it looks like it’s all right.

Although I did hear Chris Pratt’s lack of an accent. I guess people are mad about that? Or just mad about Chris Pratt in general?

Special Halloween Chapbook sale, starting tomorrow!

For one week starting Saturday, all four of my chapbooks – ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES – will be on 99 cent sale! Now is the time to pick up quick, illustrated spooky, horror, and fantasy stories! (Each book has four stories, approximately 32K words total, each with an illustration drawn for the story itself). Now is the time to buy!

…Well, tomorrow is the time to buy. But you know what I mean.



This is one of DUST’s better (and creepier!) short films, and that’s saying something. I’m not embedding the video because the thumbnail for IT CAME NAMELESS IN SPRING is a total spoiler for the ending, though. Didn’t stop me from enjoying it, but hopefully you’ll get the full effect this way.

(16227) Sci-Fi Short Film “It Came Nameless In Spring” | DUST – YouTube

Via Facebook.

Had a conversation today on the Fermi Resolution RPG supplement.

Mostly on what I’ll have to do to get it up to DriveThru RPG POD standards. The answer was “Do some rearranging, add the usual What is a Roleplaying Game? and the not-so-usual What is this game really about?, fix some of the formatting, and get a decent character sheet together.” All plus the costs to do it, which weren’t horrible. I didn’t think they would be, but I needed a baseline.

I was also given the recommendation to do up as a Kickstarter to cover the costs for getting it ready for print, but if that happens it’d be something for 2023. We’ll see.