OK, now I want to know who *suggested* Van Jones for his job.

Because he or she has to go, too.

Unless it is the official stance of the current administration that the previous President of the United States of America was a ‘crackhead,’ of course. In that case, I would like to see a White House spokesperson state that formally for the record.

Via Hot Air Pundit, via @seanhackbarth.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Indian lunar probe…

…actually, hold that thought for a moment.  The Republic of India has had the capacity to launch lunar probes for a while now.


Anyway, they took a picture which Gizmodo hopes (H/T: AoSHQ Headlines) will end the Moon Conspiracy nonsense once and for all:

(The red line would be the path of Apollo 15.)

This will do no such thing, of course: but it will give me an excuse to repost The Video after the fold. Continue reading Indian lunar probe…

Annnnnd the unemployment arc is back on track.

After a somewhat hopeful moment in July, Innocent Bystanders’ iconic graphic returns to being highly depressing:


(H/T: AoSHQ)

9.7, folks.  They were expecting 9.5%.

Can we stop pretending now that the ‘stimulus’ was a good idea? Actually, let me restate that: can they stop pretending now that the ‘stimulus’ was a good idea?  Note that I’m not even trying to suggest that the Democrats shut down the upcoming insane amounts of spending; getting them to admit that the entire idea was flawed is blue-sky enough as it is.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Montel Williams: typical… just typical, really.

Rep. Michelle Bachmann is a bit hyperbolic for my tastes, but when she says something along the lines of slitting wrists and swearing blood brotherhood she’s drawing from a long-established tradition in Western culture. Archaic, to be sure – but if a conservative politician can’t be archaic at times… we’ll demand that he or she be allowed to be, actually. But what it’s not is an invitation to a liberal radio commentator to openly wish for her suicide.

No, really.

Note, by the way, that this sort of thing seems to happen disproportionately to female subjects of hard Leftist ire. People like Mr. Williams don’t really see people like Rep. Bachmann as being really people, you see.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

*Another* apology coming, Van Jones?

Why is it that none of this came out at Jones’ confirmation hearing… right. The administration didn’t think that its executive appointee ‘czars’ [needed] to go through that silly little confirmation process. We just needed to not worry ourselves and trust them. Which is really ironic, considering that Van Jones’ name keeps coming up associated with groups and statements that pretty explicitly don’t trust the government. Case in point:

[Van Jones’] name is posted online in support of an October 2006 petition to stop police brutality posted by the Revolution newspaper, which describes itself as the “Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.” The petition was created by a group called the October 22nd Coalition that seeks to “meet the intensifying nationwide epidemic of police brutality with resistance on the national level” and says it works with the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal.


That petition discusses the effect 9/11 has had on law enforcement and the creation of a “police state,” saying: “Since September 11, 2001, law enforcement agents (including border patrols) have been given greater license to increase and broaden repression. Steps were even taken to grant more worth to a police officer’s life, with the ‘heroes law’ enacted in New York State, for which the governor originally called for a death sentence for anyone who shoots a cop.”

“We resist so that we will not be crushed,” it says.

But look on the bright side, Mr. Jones. You’ve got a nice long Labor Day weekend with which to start off spending more time with your family properly.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Well, it was supposed to be a quiet day, really.

I wanted to get some non-political stuff in; but when you have devastatingly bad polls for devastatingly bad pols, other devastatingly bad pols getting caught on camera demonstrating why they’re afraid of cameras, and people biting off fingers in support of the ‘public option’… well.  It’s going to be a surreal – and busy – political day.  And that’s not even including the White House 9/11 Troofer, Qaddafi wanting to abolish Switzerland, or the Congressman who ended an interview last year by threatening to throw the interviewer out a window.

So here’s the latest episode of the webcomic Shortpacked, where a discussion of whether Batman or Spider-Man had the worse rogue’s gallery ended in an inevitable fashion.

‘Baron’ is merely your *name*, Rep. Hill (D, IN-09).

It is not your job description.

Check out (via the Campaign Spot) this amazingly fatheaded – and more amusingly, techno-illiterate – posturing by Democratic Congressman Baron Hill:

See also Hoosierpundit, who’s also covering this district pretty thoroughly, it looks like.

Continue reading ‘Baron’ is merely your *name*, Rep. Hill (D, IN-09).

Jay Cost indulges himself.

First by pointing out an usually-overlooked truth by the folks who like to yell at the Republican party’s leadership, and not talk to them:

…if the President’s job approval rating drops much more, the Republicans could score big gains in next year’s House elections. This is quickly becoming conventional wisdom. But something else has gone less commented upon: there are different types of Republicans who are known to populate Congress.

There were the Republicans of the 109th Congress – largely inert, happy to keep things the way they were, pleased as punch just to be in power. They’re the sort that Thomas Nast would have caricatured 125 years ago, and why Republican voters today still have so little faith in congressional Republicans.

These will probably not be the new Republicans on Capitol Hill in 2011 if there is a GOP surge. Instead, we’re more likely to see Republicans who consider themselves “citizen legislators,” the kind who take the 10th Amendment seriously, who plan to term limit themselves, who walk around the Capitol with a copy of the Constitution in their breast pocket, and so on. Enough of these true believing legislators could make life unpleasant for President Obama, who need only consider the experiences of Presidents Truman and Clinton if he has any doubts about this.

…yeah, pretty much. Speaking as a quote-unquote RiNO squish, the people that I’ve been seeing get prepped for next year for the House have been markedly to my right, and unapologetic about it. Speaking as a partisan Republican hack, they’re going to be lots of fun to have around. Given whose seats they’ll be taking away: twenty of them will be an indigestible lump for Congressional Democrats. Forty will be a nightmare for them. Any more, and Hell will be coming for breakfast. Continue reading Jay Cost indulges himself.