Yes, the President of the Valley Swim Club is a John G Duesler, Jr.

So you’ve heard about the private Philly swim club that had turned away a bunch of day campers after their first (bought and paid for) visit, allegedly for being, well, minorities.

Continue reading Yes, the President of the Valley Swim Club is a John G Duesler, Jr.

51% over at Rasmussen.

This will go up at some point, but the President is not having a good week.

Yeah, a little sparse, but I wanted the post on Twitter. I suppose that I could have just Tweeted it, but I already published it, so: oh, well. It’s going to be interesting to see if Gallup will also show a drop: in some ways, it’d be worse than Rasmussen’s. Gallup’s polling has been a lot less volatile over time.

Crossposted to RedState.

“Done its job?”

Contra The Other McCain, this is a necessary ad:

…which is not me saying that Smitty1E was wrong to criticize it; merely that his objections address his concerns of the underlying philosophy of the Republican Party.  The above is a blunt political ad, and its message –“The Democrats are messing things up, and we’re not Democrats” – would be diluted by a segue into why the Democrats are messing things up.  This ad isn’t here to reaffirm the Right’s opinions, in other words; it’s there to point out objective reality to the Middle, and hopefully to goad the Left into over-reacting.  Continue reading “Done its job?”

I have nothing at all against vegetarians…

…some people don’t really have a digestive system that can handle meat: some people have ethical or religious strictures to consider; and some people simply don’t like animal protein. That’s cool: I’ll just double up on the steak and let them have my potato salad, which I generally don’t eat anyway. I even know a couple of vegans who aren’t annoying about being vegans, which is the problem that most people who have a problem with vegans have with vegans.

All that being said: this is truly a wonderfully passive-aggressive note:


Or possibly just aggressive.

White House Spellcheck FAIL.

General staff oversight FAIL, too.

It’s like this administration goes out of its way to lower expectations (via Andrew Malcolm):

(They spelled the President’s name as ‘Barak Obama.’ On an official diplomatic agreement.)

This is what happens when you use spellcheck as a crutch; at a guess, somebody added “Ehud Barak” to the relevant computer’s custom dictionary a while back, thus making certain that the little red dots didn’t appear under the President’s misspelled name. And then nobody bothered to do three full re-readings of the document, using two different people. And the Chief of Staff is apparently too busy failing to live up to expectations for 2010 recruitment to live up to expectations for keeping the White House staff on its toes. Continue reading White House Spellcheck FAIL.

“Shut up, she explained.”

While I agree with Ed Morrissey that seeing Senator Jim DeMint make Senator Kay Hagan admit several times that there was a double standard in the way that they killed his call for a GAO audit of the Federal Reserve (a very popular House initiative) while not applying the same rule to their own pet clauses, I also agree that it was prefaced by what some might consider somewhat dry (but necessary) exposition. So here’s a cut-down version:

Very quickly: Sen DeMint of South Carolina is trying to put in an amendment calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve into a bill, so that it can be voted on. Senator Nelson of Nebraska promptly pops up and calls for the amendment to be removed, as not being germane: Senator Hagan of North Carolina promptly approves that call. DeMint then goes on to mention specific other clauses that would also apply, in order to get Hagan to a) admit that they fall under the same rule and b) highlight the fact that they won’t be removed, too. The fact that I think that this is funny no doubt says awful things about my sense of humor, after going on eight years being involved in following politics; but it never hurts to highlight hypocrisy.

We will now pause for the inevitable “You guys were just as bad!” ‘response,’ which is of course a code phrase for I must immediately attack anything that threatens to destroy my faith in the inherent virtue of the Democratic Party. Given recent polling, I have hopes for some truly entertaining exercises in denial.

Moe Lane

PS: Senator DeMint will be at the RS Gathering, by the way.

Crossposted to RedState.

Harry Teague’s (D, NM-02) situational opinion on global warming.

It’s very odd: the farther he is from the Capitol, the less he believes in the concept. Via Glenn Thrush, an eyewitness to the current representative from New Mexico’s Second District’s discussion of the issues:

Only after the assembled citizens in the meeting room moved into the restaurant area and insisted that he answer public questions in a public forum did the congressman reluctantly stand and address the crowd. (I might add that the crowd consisted of people I recognized as both Republicans and Democrats.)


One question that did get an answer was, since he had voted for legislation that would provide tax dollars to fight global warming, did he believe in global warming? His answer was, “I don’t know if I believe in it or not. I am not a scientist.”

Congressman Teague was also asked, if the cap-and-trade bill were put to a public vote in his district, did he believe the majority of the citizens would vote for it? He answered, “I believe they would.” This answer brought a resounding “NOOOO!” from the crowd.

I’d like to note also that the man’s been in the House of Representatives for barely half a year, and yet he’s already acquired the distressing Democratic habit of voting in favor of bills that he hasn’t bothered to read first. A sad condition, to be sure; and not one that’s apparently amenable to treatment, based on the way that it keeps breaking out among Pelosi’s and Reid’s caucuses. Fortunately, in this particular case there’s a ready enough alternative in Steve Pearce.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

A Penny Arcade Automata video. Sort of.

You may remember that the guys at Penny Arcade were trying to decide on one of two (technically three, but the first two were the popular ones) filler comics minseries to run during an upcoming convention. They settled the issue by handing off one of them to guest artists, and they’ll be doing the other themselves. Meanwhile, somebody else has created the below, much to PA’s delight (printed language warning).

Mostly a soundtrack. Not really noir, but good.