President honored with coveted ‘Bilderberg lackey’ status.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) Personally, I think that Politico should have made it clear that Bilderberg-watchers pretty much plug in each new President’s name into their pet theories; feel free to fix the deliberately-broken (h ttp:// and check out the mindset of these sorts for yourself. Still, that just means that you aren’t anybody until you’ve been declared to be a tool of the Bilderbergers, Tri-Lats, CFRs, or anybody else in the NWO. Well done, President Obama; it’s an obscure sort of honor, but no less real for all that.

All that being said, I’m afraid that you will have to join the Freemasons. It’s… complicated.

Moe Lane

PS: If the topic interests – and it’s usually lots of fun, up to the point where somebody starts screaming about the Jews – I suggest that you start with Illuminoids: Secret Societies and Political Paranoia or A History Of Secret Societies.

Crossposted to RedState.

The first step in Lieberman’s reunion with the Democrats.

Not that he was ever really gone, but the formalities must be observed.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said running as a Democrat is up to Lieberman, noting he has not yet had any talks with him about doing so. But Durbin said Lieberman this year has lived up to his promise to be a loyal and reliable vote on Democratic priorities.

“I will tell you this: I think it was a very good and wise decision for us to include Joe Lieberman in the Democratic Conference,” Durbin said. “He has really been valuable to us. On the stimulus package, he was an important part of bringing the negotiations together. He’s been terrific on the floor. I’m just glad to have him on board.”

(H/T: HotMES, who adds a suggestion that I can’t in good conscience endorse).

As I implied above, this was inevitable. Lieberman is not a conservative: he’s merely a guy who couldn’t bear to see us lose in Iraq. Now that the chances of that happening are sufficiently low enough, he can return to the fold of a party that he’s far more comfortable with when it comes to domestic affairs. I’m not forgiving him for doing it – the behavior of the Democratic Party during our last war was nothing short of appalling – but I understand why he’s doing it.
Continue reading The first step in Lieberman’s reunion with the Democrats.

The Tea to DC! program.

Costs five bucks: in exchange, you get a tea bag sent to Washington on April 10th with your 200 character message attached, a bumper sticker, and a buck sent to one of several charities. It’s all being run out of the house of a Tennessee mom, and I personally think that it’s a clever idea.

Via Little Miss Attila and No Silence Here.

Crossposted to RedState.

New Book of the Week: Storm From the Shadows

Short time for Lullaby to be on the list, but such are the vagaries of life.

I’m replacing it with David Weber’s Storm from the Shadows, which is the latest from the Honorverse. I was actually able to afford getting this one thanks to an early birthday present; it was a tough call between it and Escape from Hell, though. I’m about halfway through it, and it’s good.

Startling Star Wars Trivia of the day.

I wish I could remember where in Lileks I saw that bit that he wrote about why Lucas did Return of the Jedi the way that he did, but this quote of Dan Vebber emailed to me by Erick Erickson has its own charms:

But aside from what we see onscreen, the Ewoks are miserable little creatures for a completely different reason: they are the single clearest example of Lucas’ willingness to compromise the integrity of his Trilogy in favor of merchandising dollars. How intensely were the Ewoks marketed? Consider this: “Ewok” is a household word, despite the fact that it’s never once spoken in the film.

Of course, the advice that I got right afterward from a third party – which was to just get over the entire Lucas betrayed fanboy thing – was probably very sensible. At least, I bristled at it, which is usually diagnostic.

Witness the power of this fully armed and operational Debt Star.

A Republican Senate leadership aide responded: ‘It really is a silly campaign. What are we saying ‘no’ to? Trillions in new spending? An unpopular, earmark-laden bill that the President himself was embarrassed to sign? A new national energy tax? Releasing Gitmo terrorists into the U.S.? We’d like to thank them for reminding the American people that we are saying ‘no’ to those things.’

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.

I have officially run out of alternative ways to express the concept that irony is dead, so I will simply say: “Irony is dead:”

Beginning Sunday, the White House will harness every part of the Democratic Party’s machinery to defend President Obama’s budget and portray Republicans as reflexively political, according to party strategists.

A participant in the planning meetings described the push as a successor to Democrats’ message that Rush Limbaugh is the Republican Party leader. “We have exhausted the use of Rush as an attention-getter,” the official said.

David Plouffe, manager of Obama’s presidential race, helped design the strategy, which includes the most extensive activation since November of the campaign’s grassroots network. The database—which includes information for at least 10 million donors, supporters and volunteers—will now be used as a unique tool for governing, with former canvassers now being enlisted to mobilize support for the president’s legislative agenda.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

And this is why you don’t run candidates as if they were demigods come down to earth. You end up being critically short of people who aren’t afraid to tell you when you’re singing off-key. Continue reading Witness the power of this fully armed and operational Debt Star.