Video from Chesley Sullenberger’s first public comments.

As Hot Air notes, a man of few words. Their video doesn’t seem happy to work here, so below is a YouTube of his comments.

Check out the Hot Air link for his wife’s comments, which are very good.
Continue reading Video from Chesley Sullenberger’s first public comments.

An entertaining update to the Cape Wind matter.

The Cape Wind matter is one that I mentioned here – essentially, Ted Kennedy is enthusastic about wind farms, except when they’re within view of his luxurious Nantucket estate – and, via RedState diarist Vladimir (be sure to check out his Louisiana coverage) we get the report that one of President Bush’s last acts was to green-light said project… thus giving the new President a subtle, nasty, and frankly quite deserved headache.  More on it here: it should be quite amusing to see the fallout on this one.

Back to the Romero thing…

…actually, there’s no reason why you should be interested in that.  But in the process I ran across’s Zombies topic page, and it’s pretty tasty, in a braaaaaaaaaiinnnnnnns sort of way.  A little graphic in places, not least of which is the video where a zombie takes on a shark with martial arts moves.

No, really.

Looking for something to read? (SM Stirling)

(Today’s writer: S.M. Stirling)

A lot of people love to hate this particular author – and, given his remarkable lack of suffer-fools-gladly, even by the standards of a genre where it’s practically a prerequisite for writing in it, it’s not entirely surprising – but it still remains true that Stirling’s a crackerjack writer. For this one, I’m just going to toss out a few authors & topics: if you’re already interested in any of them, check out the book associated with it.

That should get you started: fair warning; all of those are alternate history.  I’m fond of the genre, you understand.

The curious incident of the antiwar movement in the night-time.

Please, by all means: assume that I’m equating them with dogs.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Interested in DC School Choice Rally videos?

Whipped ones, in fact, as Environmental Republican demonstrates (via Glenn Reynolds). You see, he went looking for the Usual Antiwar Suspects’ outrage at the drone strikes in Pakistan, and discovered… well, that apparently it wasn’t really worth noting at all, really. His conclusion?

So what con we surmise from this little investigation? How about the left-wing of this country is populated with hypocritical ideologues who not only hated Bush but had a severe dislike for America. Now that they have a leader who they feel a kinship with, well, it’s all good.

You shouldn’t be surprised: the terrorists that got attacked weren’t Europeans – which is my polite way of saying that they weren’t sufficiently white and Western for the groups running the antiwar movement to particularly care, especially since caring might embarrass a President who isn’t a Republican. Was that too harsh? No? OK, let’s try again: the antiwar movement is run by racists who only like brown people when they can be used as clubs with which to beat anybody to the antiwar movement’s Right.

Well, anyone to their Right, and Jews. A quick perusal of the major players in question indicates that they’re all really upset that Israel isn’t baring its collective neck for the knife.

Moe Lane

PS: If you won’t respect yourself, don’t expect me to respect you, either.

Crossposted to RedState.

The impressive thing about Dungeons & Discourse…

…examples found here and here is how accessible the concept is to people like myself: i.e., one step above pig-ignorant about philosophy. Dresden Codak in general is like that; it’d be one of my favorite webcomics if he’d just buckle down and get to work on it on a regular basis.

Hey, Schlock Mercenary demonstrates that you can combine quality with professional-level reliability…

So I’m guessing that Billy Joel ran over Ron Rosenbaum’s dog.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) I mean, it’s not like I can’t see Ron Rosenbaum’s basic point – although I don’t think that, for example, Bruce Springsteen’s lost his contempt, merely redirected it. Springsteen always wanted to be the next Woody Guthrie, singing the songs of the people and showing how the system keeps folks like him down. The fact that the system instead decided to give him large amounts of money, fame, and influence instead pretty much wrecked Springsteen as an artist until he could flee into the welcoming embrace of traditional celebrity leftist activism. Seriously. The reception given to Born in the USA must have freaked him out, particularly when Reagan cheerfully stole the iconography and completely subverted it.

Anyway, Billy Joel. I can understand the entire “unearned contempt” argument (not sure if I buy it, but I can see it), and as somebody from New Jersey I can certainly grok the entire Burden Of Being The Place Where Billy Joel Comes From (it’s hard to explain; suffice it to say that both Joel and Springsteen have a complex relationship with the region). That being said, I wonder what triggered this? Did Joel get arrested again?

Moe Lane

PS: I’ve always liked “Pressure.”

Crossposted on RedState.

“…now we’re just haggling over the price.”

I haven’t really been all that interested in tracking the saga of Natalie Dylan and her ridiculously overpriced / underpriced virginity: I’m not in the market for what she’s trying to peddle, and I kind of doubt that I would be, even if I wasn’t married and had a kid. Still, this visual comparison from The Tiger in DC amused, because I can see the resemblance, too. It’s something about the eyes – which, by the way, is yet another proof that your mom was right about a lot of things. Your face will freeze that way if you’re not careful.

I sometimes think that kids today are unconsciously working under the assumption that they live in the world of Logan’s Run.

Crossposted at RedState.

Hey, remember the Bush “miserable failure” Googlebomb?

Guess what happened when we switched Presidents Tuesday?

Yup, it’s now triggering Obama.  At least on Yahoo; Google fixed this problem a while back, although if I understand this fellow correctly Obama’s bio is going to be increasingly linked with “failure” until everything’s resolved.  There’s a certain air of “the President’s tech team should have been on top of this:” I dunno if that’s fair.  At any rate, Google’s going to go back in and fix this again – probably with the help of the aforementioned tech team.

And that’s pretty much the point of this post: I just felt like pointing out that if you played Googlebombing games with Bush’s name, congratulations: you’ve helped ensure that the Obama administration has more, fairly tedious work to do.

Have a nice day!

Crossposted at RedState.