Remember: oral arguments Tuesday on the Hobby Lobby case.

I came perilously close to writing this post in a white-hot fury (for reasons only indirectly related to the case), but wrath is a counter-productive emotion in this particular situation.  Suffice it to say that the people that run Hobby Lobby are adamant that they not be required to pay for drugs that they consider to be abortifacients; and while I’m personally sorry if this bothers progressives I am equally adamant that progressives get it through their collective skulls that they are not the sole arbiters of morality in this country. They are not, in fact, even the primary arbiters; and for what I consider to be very good reasons.

Rant over.  Enjoy your Sunday morning.

Quote of the Day, …I Do Not Think That This Is Helping edition.

Look, I understand that you have to work with what you’re given.  But if you think that this is a good counter-argument to Ted Cruz (accurately!) pointing out that pro-abortion protesters were chanting “Hail, Satan”…

Lucien Greaves, communications director of the Satanic Temple, says Cruz’s comments oversimplify the issue by trying to inject religion into the abortion debate. Although pro-abortion-rights protesters did indeed chant “Hail Satan” at a rally outside the Texas Capitol, it was to combat antiabortion protesters who were singing “Amazing Grace.”



Allrighty, then. Continue reading Quote of the Day, …I Do Not Think That This Is Helping edition.

Hey, did you give money to Wendy Davis?

You did*?


Wendy Davis backs 20-week abortion ban that defers to women

Wendy Davis said Tuesday that she would have supported a ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, if the law adequately deferred to a woman and her doctor.

As many, many people have noted: this is shorthand for “Oh, right, I’m running for office in Texas.” It’s not that she is actually embracing a pro-life position; there’s a lot of wiggle room in that statement.  What it does mean is that Wendy Davis, when faced with a choice between sticking to her guns, and breaking and running, picked breaking and running.  That’s not what her out-of-state supporters paid for… but that’s what they’re going to get, and there are a lot of vulnerable Democratic candidates who could have used that money.

Continue reading Hey, did you give money to Wendy Davis?

Tweet of the Day, This BTW Means That Andrew Cuomo Won’t Be Running For President edition.

This is one of the better Photoshops that I’ve seen:


Background at the link: suffice it to say that Andrew Cuomo said something very, very politically stupid about pro-lifers Friday, and while it may or may not actually keep him from being re-elected this year it will be an albatross around his neck in 2016, as well as any hypothetical federal appointments down the line. Or, ooh, maybe he’ll get tagged in for the 2016 Veep nomination! That’d be sweet.

RS Interview: Lt. Govenor David Dewhurst (R, Texas). #prolife

Yesterday, as you might have read, a federal judge ruled that several elements of Texas’s abortion reform laws were unconstitutional (although not the section that restricted abortions after 20 weeks). As you might recall, RedState spoke with Lt. Governor Dewhurst after the bill finally passed, and we spoke to him again yesterday:

Short version: Texas is going to fight the court case, Texas is expecting to win this, but pro-abortion groups are going to be pushing back whenever possible, so pro-life activists need to stay on top of the situation.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Gov. Pat McCrory (R, North Carolina) shuts down pro-abortion protest! …by giving them cookies.

Bless their hearts.

That was not a typo.  Or euphemism.


Gov. Pat McCrory hasn’t been willing to meet with the women (and a few men) protesting an abortion bill that opponents say restricts access to safe abortions. But he did stop by this afternoon with a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

McCrory was flanked by four security guards as he came out of the mansion gates. Before stepping onto common ground with the protesters – he went as far as the middle of the street between his mansion and the vigil – McCrory pointed directly at Jamie Sohn, a Chapel Hill resident.


Sohn said McCrory told her: “ ‘These are for you. God bless you, God bless you, God bless you.’ ” He handed her the plate of cookies, and waved as he walked away. She said she was too stunned to say anything back.


Continue reading Gov. Pat McCrory (R, North Carolina) shuts down pro-abortion protest! …by giving them cookies.

Hobby Lobby locks down injunction over HHS abortion drug mandate.

Note that they haven’t won, yet: they’re merely no longer under the gun while they sue to have the HHS abortion drug mandate declared unconstitutional.

Today, a federal court granted Hobby Lobby a preliminary injunction against the HHS abortion-drug mandate. The injunction prevents the Obama administration from enforcing the mandate against the Christian company, which does not want to be compelled to pay for birth control or drugs that may cause abortions.


In an opinion read from the bench, the court said, “There is a substantial public interest in ensuring that no individual or corporation has their legs cut out from under them while these difficult issues are resolved.”

Continue reading Hobby Lobby locks down injunction over HHS abortion drug mandate.

Pro-abortion parenting #FAIL. #sb5

You want to know the difference between pro-choice, and pro-abortion?  Here you go:


“If I Wanted the Government in My Womb, I Would F*** a Senator!”

My pro-choice friends with kids would sooner rip off their own ears than give one of their kids that sign to hold.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: DO NOT MAKE SIGNS FEATURING VULGAR LANGUAGE AND GIVE THEM TO YOUR PREPUBESCENT DAUGHTERS.  I am amazed, and a little sickened, that I have to mention this.

Wendy Davis keeping head down during Texas special session.

Of course she will: this was all Kabuki theater to begin with.

A spokesman for Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis, who stood and spoke for more than 12 hours to help kill the bill last week, says she won’t filibuster the legislation a second time.

US News and World Report went on to spout pro-abortion* propaganda: I assume that people don’t feel like reading it.  Anyway, the major problem for Davis and the Democratic party here is that, simply put, the American people are fine with limiting late-term abortion.  They are also highly amenable to the argument that minority women should not be expected to bleed out on filthy examination tables simply so that white women can enjoy unlimited access to abortion – and, believe me: pro-lifers know by now to point that out, and there’s an increasing number of felony cases that catalog just those sorts of atrocities. Continue reading Wendy Davis keeping head down during Texas special session.

Nancy Pelosi: my Roman Catholicism requires me to be pro-choice!


What does this even MEAN?

At a Thursday press conference, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi condemned a bill that would prohibit abortions during the final four months of pregnancy with exceptions for when the life or physical health of the mother was at stake.

Asked what the moral difference is between what Dr. Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and aborting those same infants moments before birth, Pelosi refused to answer.

“As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,” Pelosi said. “This shouldn’t have anything to do with politics.”

Continue reading Nancy Pelosi: my Roman Catholicism requires me to be pro-choice!