I absolutely have no shame, it’s true. And proud of it! So… heeeeere’s DUTIES!
I absolutely have no shame, it’s true. And proud of it! So… heeeeere’s DUTIES!
THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE by David Carrico is the story of a nice Orthodox Jewish boy who becomes a vampire… and who would like to continue being a nice Orthodox Jewish boy, thank you very much. It’s an establishing novel, mostly focused on establishing the world, and setting up the character for future adventures; I look forward to seeing what happens to the hero after this. A quick, fun read.
Mostly because I need to remind myself to read The Horse and His Boy again. There’s a line in there about fighting in buildings that I remember being entertaining, but I can’t quite remember. Plus, it never hurts to revisit C.S. Lewis.
I’m glad Eric Flint was able to get the rights back to 1812: THE RIVERS OF WAR, and sad that we’re never going to see that series completed. Mr. Flint was a good dude. I never met him, but I miss him anyway.
Get both of Jim Geraghty’s Dangerous Clique novels before the third one comes out.
I read Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, at the time. I entirely failed to see how any civilized person could legitimately argue that the author needed to be killed, harmed, or indeed attacked above the level of an unfavorable review. My opinion has not changed.
Jim Geraghty’s an old buddy of mine from the Before Times, and with Gathering Five Storms: A Dangerous Clique Novel coming out later this month he will draw ahead of me on the novel front, four to three. This, of course, simply will not do. Of course, I do have GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND coming up in spring of 2023…
I’m putting up David Weber and John Ringo’s March Upcountry (Empire of Man Book 1) mostly as a reminder that it’s time for me to reread the series. It’s a good series, mixing survival and political machinations in an entertaining fashion. Check it out… no, wait, you probably already have.
I wish we had hit the Kickstarter stretch goal that would have let me do an audiobook of TINSEL RAIN. Alas. Maybe in a couple of years. In the meantime, get your audiobook copy of FROZEN DREAMS now!
I don’t care if I’ve done it before. I said Dauntless, and I mean it. I’ve spent the last week rereading The Lost Fleet, going from one book to the other in the literary equivalent of chain-smoking. I’m starting to worry about what happens when I run out of books to re-read, in fact. Maybe find some other Jack Campbell. There’s those Space JAG books, after all.