Book of the Week: The Blood Is The Life.

THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE by David Carrico is the story of a nice Orthodox Jewish boy who becomes a vampire… and who would like to continue being a nice Orthodox Jewish boy, thank you very much. It’s an establishing novel, mostly focused on establishing the world, and setting up the character for future adventures; I look forward to seeing what happens to the hero after this. A quick, fun read.

Book of the Week: Gathering Five Storms: A Dangerous Clique Novel.

Jim Geraghty’s an old buddy of mine from the Before Times, and with Gathering Five Storms: A Dangerous Clique Novel coming out later this month he will draw ahead of me on the novel front, four to three. This, of course, simply will not do. Of course, I do have GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND coming up in spring of 2023…

Book of the Week: The Lost Fleet: Dauntless.

I don’t care if I’ve done it before. I said Dauntless, and I mean it. I’ve spent the last week rereading The Lost Fleet, going from one book to the other in the literary equivalent of chain-smoking. I’m starting to worry about what happens when I run out of books to re-read, in fact. Maybe find some other Jack Campbell. There’s those Space JAG books, after all.
