BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS reprint available at Chaosium.

Link here (I’ve already ordered mine). AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS is a reprint, not an update: the module uses the Call of Cthulhu 5.5 rules, but they offer conversion advice for 7.0 campaigns. Hardest hit: the folks trying to sell old copies for three hundred bucks.

Heh. Reminds me of why Steve Jackson Games reprinted GURPS Imperial Rome. IIRC, somebody on the forums came on and started bragging about how he managed to score a copy of the first edition for a ‘mere’ hundred bucks or so. Steve Jackson took careful note about how many people were enviously congratulating him, then went ahead and did another print run…

The ‘Journal d’Indochine’ Kickstarter

This Vietnam Call of Cthulhu supplement was done by the same people who did The Sassoon Files a while back. If you don’t remember, that was the Kickstarter where the entire print run got confiscated and destroyed by the People’s Republic of China because the description of the Chinese Communists in that Call of Cthulhu supplement wasn’t sufficiently worshipful. As one of the writers of the Journal d’Indochine Kickstarter has assured me, they have learned from that particular display of barbaric insecurity*.

Continue reading The ‘Journal d’Indochine’ Kickstarter

I am both charmed and enraged by the *existence* of Refractions of Glasston.

Via Facebook comes this free, officially ‘Neat-o’ Call of Cthulhu supplement called Refractions of Glasston. It is both free and Neat-o for the same reason; it is the result of a creative writing class at Taylor University in Indiana. The students all signed up to create a roleplaying game supplement over the course of a semester, which is an infuriatingly brilliant idea for a class. You kids don’t know how easy you have it! In my day they’d look at us funny for even suggesting that game writing was real writing! Now it counts towards your final GPA!

So get off my lawn! — But first, click that link and download it. The students are justifiably proud of what they did.

Ah, things have resolved themselves (plus, mild brag).

Had a bit of the old 503 there for a bit. Not really sure why, but it seems to have resolved itself. Cool.

In other news, this is nice: somebody wants to muck about with that little Call of Cthulhu filk I wrote. Told him to feel free, of course. It’s always nice to hear when somebody uses something that I’ve done and hopefully he’ll be able to figure out how to smooth out those two little rough spots in the song.

Moe Lane

PS: Nah, no money in it. Wouldn’t have taken any even if offered; I wrote it for funsies and handed it around for funsies, too.

F*cking ChiComs set Call of Cthulhu supplement print run on fire. Allegedly.

No, this totally counts because it’s gaming-related*. The short version: folks did a Kickstarter (The Sassoon Files) that was based on 1920s China. And they apparently made the mistake of using a printer from the People’s Republic of China, which allegedly promptly burned the entire print run just after it was completed.

Because that, my droogies, is how Commies do. Allegedly. Well, allegedly in this case. God knows it’s well-documented that the only things that Commies like to burn more than inconvenient books are entire regions full of inconvenient peasants.

Continue reading F*cking ChiComs set Call of Cthulhu supplement print run on fire. Allegedly.

Had a good Call of Cthulhu session at @BFGcon.

Actually ‘won’ the prize for that session, which I was not expecting to be a thing. Played the android on the space station, and things happened… pretty much as you’d expect. I mean, it was Call of Cthulhu, and I got the award by my fellow-players voting (I voted for the guy who set me up with all the fun straight lines), so I figure that I did OK.

I may end up doing another 8 PM game after all, if there’s a spot still free. Although for this one I’ll be much more supporting-cast. Just as long as I get to go mad in the end.

I do recommend The Fall of Delta Green…

…and not just because I have a playtest credit.

Continue reading I do recommend The Fall of Delta Green…

In the (E-)Mail: The Things We Leave Behind.

Well, I’m getting the print copy, too; the PDF for The Things We Leave Behind comes free with the softcover.  This particular Call of Cthulhu supplement won gold at the ENnies for Best Electronic Supplement, so they knocked five bucks off of the purchase price as a thank-you.  Pretty good deal, so I grabbed a copy.

Leafing through it… well, it’s not exactly cheerful.  But you knew that from ‘Call of Cthulhu.’  The state of the tone for adventures in that RPG genre these days aspires to ‘grim.’  Which is fine by me, but you may want to keep that in mind when deciding whether to pick it up.

In the Mail: Call of Cthulhu RPG, Seventh Edition.

This edition of Call of Cthulhu was Kickstarted, but I never got around to backing it.  Lots of stuff going on at the time.  But I had to order something recently (mildly long, not particularly relevant, story), so I figured that I’d grab it.

It’s certainly a very pretty book; the Kickstarter seems to have paid for things like color printing, extensive illustrations, and a bookmark.  I particularly like the inclusion of maps of both Arkham and Lovecraft’s Massachusetts in general; such things are useful for harried GMs trying to shoehorn imaginary locations into real maps.  As to the mechanics… I dunno. Haven’t played it yet.  My regular gaming circle isn’t really big on horror RPGs anyway.  But everybody’s raving about it, so I figure that it can’t be that much of a disaster.

Arc Dream has a bunch of Delta Green softcover RPG supplements up.

Found here.  I don’t think that they’re part of the $300 The New Age tier in the Delta Green Kickstarter; I got the impression at the time that the tier in question covered all the hardcover books that Arc Dream’s supposed to be publishing. That was and is a good deal, in my opinion, and I assume that these are print-on-demand softcovers that seem to be becoming pretty popular in the gaming world. PDFs are nice, but so are physical books.

So, if you’re a completist, check ’em out.  Alas, I have to budget for that sort of thing these days.  Then again, I did get the PDFs as part of my backing, so I’m hardly hurting for new stuff to read.