Well, this is sort of a CoC RPG PSA…

…sorry about the TLAs, but if you don’t get ’em right off of the bat you probably won’t be interested in this post anyway.

Anybody, if you’re like me you’ve looked at the prices for the legendary – and inexplicably out of print* – Beyond the Mountains of Madness: An Epic Campaign and Sourcebook (Call of Cthulhu Horror Roleplaying, #2380), which starts at sixty bucks and rapidly gets worse.  Fortunately, the invention of the PDF format was a positive boon to the roleplaying game industry (and its customers, most of whom don’t have the room for many new books) – so somebody had a rush of oxygen to the brain and made a digital version available for about one-third off.

Mind you, forty-two bucks for a digital download is a hell of a lot in absolute terms, which is why it’s on a wish list..

Moe Lane

*IIRC, GURPS Imperial Rome got a second edition precisely because somebody went onto Steve Jackson Games’ old forums and started bragging about how he found a copy of the first edition for only a hundred bucks. It wasn’t the brag so much as it was the way that people kept congratulating the guy that made the company take notice.

Ooooooh. New Delta Green!

Targets of Opportunity: includes stuff on the Cult of Transcendence, which Ken Hite’s only been teasing us about for years and years and years…

…OK, real quick: Delta Green is a Call of Cthulhu supplement about a secret and illegal government conspiracy to fight the Mythos, and it’s some of the best damn horror roleplaying supplements you’re ever going to find…

…and, in about a month, I should be able to afford it.

Movie of the Week: Call of Cthulhu.

It being Wednesday, we say goodbye to Coraline as Movie of the Week. A judicious amount of luck, patience, and willingness to give a new Amazon bookseller a shot allowed me to acquire Thomas Harlan’s Land of the Dead at enough of a discount for me to actually afford it, so we’ll celebrate the occasion by declaring The Call of Cthulhu to replace it.

Yeah, Harlan’s writing Mythos books. I’m also starting to suspect that so is Charlie Stross, with his Merchant Princes series.

I have watched the HPLHS Call of Cthulhu.

As you may remember, I had a choice between two Cthulhu indy films, and based on reader input I went with The Call of Cthulhu: The Celebrated Story by H.P. Lovecraft. It came in the mail Saturday; I got my mail today; and I have just now watched it.

I suspect that I had ended up choosing… wisely. It’s clever in its format; it works well as a silent, black-and-white short movie – better than it would as a bloated SF extravaganza. The music was well chosen, the plot is surprisingly close to the original, and while it did not scare the devil out of me it would have been hard to, seeing as I know the story so well by now. I do wonder how an impressionable nine year old would approach this movie. Or possibly a twelve year old.

The HPLHS website is here – and, spookily, they have just now decided to explain to the world what the heck is going on with their new project. Well, old project.

Something to look forward to.

Needing to choose one of two indy Cthulhu films.

So, I have a Lovecraftian quandary.

There’s a little extra cash available right now – enough to pick up a movie. So I went looking for that Tori Spelling Cthulhu that I’ve been thinking of picking up… and found this: The Call of Cthulhu: The Celebrated Story by H.P. Lovecraft

It’s a tough call. I do actually like stupid, which is a draw for the former; but the latter has better reviews, even though it’s apparently a silent film. Does anyone who has seen either or both have an opinion?
Continue reading Needing to choose one of two indy Cthulhu films.

Six Insane Discoveries, and their gaming applications.

Having read this on Cracked, it immediately became obvious that what it was starkly necessary for someone to look at the “6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can’t Explain” and explain them using the tools designed for such things: ie, roleplaying games.

Well, it was obvious to me. This is going to go unapologetic gaming geek now, so I’m giving the rest of you the courtesy of a page break. Continue reading Six Insane Discoveries, and their gaming applications.