The thing to remember here is that neither the original poster, nor the commenters, are mad about this. Neither am I. It was beautiful, seeing somebody’s D&D campaign play out on the big screen. All the funny, creative parts, and none of the stupid stuff.
Although the past and ongoing scheduling issues are just a little bit too on the nose.
>paladin joins late and peaces out midway through the campaign >they get like 50 different rules wrong >druid tonally incompatible with everyone else >bard is a theater kid who literally fucking forgets that he has spells
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES is a lot of fun. I really do hope that they sell enough units of the main game to justify a sequel. Or copies of the movie, I guess.
They loved it. I mean, Honest Trailers had to really, really look for critical things to say about DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES, and I got the feeling that it was mostly for their own honor’s sake. You don’t want to look like you just threw the game, you know what I mean?
We’ve heard concerns from parents that this movie “glorifies thieves”, and we want to reassure them that it also glorifies smashing people in the face with a lute.
I have played this campaign, bantered in the same fashion as them, and we did something like that one thing to our Barbarian’s axe no more than fourteen hours ago. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES is absolutely pandering to me, and my only regret is probably that there’s only going to be one of these flicks, because I cannot sustain an entire movie subgenre on my own.
Then again, I had a similar reaction to GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS. I figured that GODZILLA VS. KONG was gonna tank, because the first one kinda did, but I didn’t care because it was already in post-production and there’d be no point to not releasing it somewhere*. So maybe there’s more people out there like me than I think?
Moe Lane
*Yes, this was pre-BATGIRL. Counterpoint: GODZILLA VS. KONG didn’t suck.
It’s got a few new scenes from DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES, and the usual blah blah blah this movie is the epitome of Western civilization PR nonsense. It’s the new clips I care about, though. Apparently the party has a paladin in it! Hope the movie explores the concept of ‘PC immunity*:’ as some wag online noted, they certainly got down the concept of ‘having to delay actual gametime for months because of scheduling conflicts.’