FL SEN Primary: DOOM.

Mr. Crist, can we talk?

It isn’t your night.  I’m sorry, but it isn’t.  Marco has a twenty-plus lead over you by now.  You won’t survive the primary.  You won’t win on a third-party run, either.  2010 is a GOP year; but it’s not your year.  I do not say this to wound you, but because it needs to be said.  Florida wants a fire-eater.  You are not.

So here’s my suggestion.  Announce that you are dropping out, for the good of the party, and so that you can do some ’soul-searching.’  Spend the rest of your term as governor doing all the good things that good, conservative Republican Governors do.  Be Marco Rubio’s best buddy, with a happy smile and a wave.  Get him elected.  Then start up your Senate bid for 2012; you would be a better match against Bill Nelson anyway.  If you do this, you would start with the goodwill of the Florida Republican party – who don’t want to have a tumultuous primary – and the goodwill of the new junior Senator from Florida for your campaign.  These are not bad things to have.

Just… think about it, all right?

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

The name you’re trying to remember is ‘Tim Mahoney.’

He was the guy that the Democrats put into FL-16 to replace Mark Foley over an inappropriate email scandal… and then Tim Mahoney was the guy that tried to pay off his mistress with campaign money, got then-DCCC Chair and current WH CoS Rahm Emanuel to cover it up in 2007… and who then couldn’t quite make it to Election Day 2008 without anybody noticing.  So Madam Speaker threw Mahoney to the wolves, and the media let her. So… sex scandal, leadership finds out, internal cover-up, public revelations, quick abandonment of the now-radioactive Congressman.

Why, yes, that does sound familiar, doesn’t it?

Moe Lane

President to do some damage control.

Again.  This time, he’s trying to revise and extend his plans on space policy:

President Barack Obama will outline his administration’s vision for space agency NASA and an eventual trip to Mars during a conference in Florida in April, the White House said on Sunday.

Obama has had to defend his commitment to the space agency in the politically important U.S. state after submitting a budget to Congress that would cancel a program to return U.S. astronauts to the moon.

Glenn Reynolds thinks that the White House wasn’t expecting a pushback; but really, why should they have been? All the President did was break his campaign promise and kill twenty-three thousand jobs in a Congressional District whose Congresswoman had the temerity to vote against the health care bill – which said bill is, of course, infinitely more important to the Democrats than manned space exploration.  There are so many other campaign promises that the President has broken; why should this one be treated any differently?

Moe Lane

PS: Tom Garcia is running in FL-24 as a Republican, and he’s pretty mad about the space thing himself.  He’d also love to hear from you.

Crossposted to RedState.

Racist Donny Deutsch slurs Marco Rubio (R CAND, FL-SEN).

Via Hot Air, check out the racial sensitivity of MSNBC/CNBC talking head Donnie Deutsch:

‘Coconut,’ for those lucky enough to have missed it up to this point, is a derogatory racial epithet hurled against dark-skinned individuals deemed insufficiently ‘authentic.’ It suggests that the individual in question is ‘brown on the outside, white on the inside.’ When used by someone of the same ethnic identity as the slurred individual, it takes on the additional connotation of ‘race traitor;’ when used by someone of Caucasian ancestry, it typically represents an opportunity to express racial hatreds in a socially acceptable manner. The Other Side has, shall we say, a history of such things; and if we ever have that full and frank discussion of race that’s been promised the first question that I plan to ask is going to be about precisely why this is acceptable behavior among them.

About the only thing mitigating this exercise in public racism is that it appeared on the Joy Behar show, which means that almost nobody saw it anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Don’t get mad.  Get even.

Crossposted to RedState.

Marco Rubio moneybomb today.

[UPDATE: By the way, the below link is to Demint’s Senate Conservatives Fund’s portion of the Rubio moneybomb. Said portion’s sub-goal is 100K, and they’re at 86.2K already.]

He’s trying to raise 787 thousand (in ‘commemoration’ of the 787 billion dollar ‘stimulus’ that the Democrats have wished upon the country): he’s well on his way, but it would be excellent if the Rubio campaign had to scribble an updated, higher fundraising goal all over their nice, clean design.

This primary is important enough to trigger my ‘throw in what money you can’ reflex: so go ye, and do the same.

Continue reading Marco Rubio moneybomb today.

There should be a word for ‘blustering cowardice.’ Hmm. ‘Graysonian?’

In a previous post I wrote some unkind (note: not ‘inaccurate’) words about Jon Corzine, and how he’s not being especially brave this election cycle. Of course, given that this guy (Rep. Alan Grayson, D-FL) is held up as a standard for speaking-truth-to-power among the Left, maybe that’s not so surprising:

That was taken from a larger clip done by O’Reilly and improved with several stills showing politicians from both parties doing precisely what Alan Grayson is whining that nobody expects him to do: answer questions in the hallway, just as if he was a regular human being and everything. You’d think that a guy who’s trying to make a buck off of his supposed tough-guy image would be eager to appear on a show like O’Reilly and take the fight to Fox; then again, that would assume that you believed that said tough-guy image was actually true to begin with.

No wonder that Central Floridan activists have already created a site dedicated to getting rid of him next year (H/T: the Orlando Sentinel).  Normally, this sort of thing waits until there’s an actual candidate for opposition to coalesce around; then again, normally sitting Congressmen don’t call female civil servants ‘K Street whores.’

Moe Lane

PS: You know, Grayson: you weren’t the only person in the universe who was always picked last for dodgeball. It’s just that the rest of us mostly got over it in college.

Crossposted to RedState.

Does Charlie Crist have permission to use all those articles?

Specifically, the ones written by Alex Leary for the St. Petersburg Times, and which are now showing up on Charlie Crist’s anti-Rubio hit site. Compare a post from said hit site:


…with the original:

Unless Mr. Leary is actually involved with this project, and the St. Petersburg Times, this is an embarrassing failure to understand the Internet. Why? Because of this:


Reproducing other people’s articles and posting them under your own name? Definite no-no. I’m curious to why the Crist campaign thinks that it’s entitled to do this. Perhaps it just thinks that it’s entitled in general?

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.