Stuff like this always makes me contemplate the proper uses of agitprop in modern society:
On Tuesday, I came across the following at the Daily Caller: “A contingent of liberal Democrats in Congress is proposing a new federal gun control idea: mandatory liability insurance for gun owners.”
Gun purchasers without such insurance would face a fine of “as much as $10,000″ if the “Firearm Risk Protection Act” introduced in March by New York’s Carolyn Maloney and seven other Democratic congressmen were ever to become law.
It’s a complex situation. You see, I know that the odds of actual Speaker John Boehner ever letting this legislation hit the floor is only slightly higher than the odds of hypothetical Speaker Nancy Pelosi doing that. I know, I know: never underestimate how likely it is that bad (or wicked) legislation can get passed. But this is like trying to mandate a federal ban on anteaters; the probability levels are simply too low to realistically worry about. Continue reading Musings on the never-gonna-pass mandatory firearm liability insurance bill.