“I don’t believe, the president doesn’t believe that the Tea Party is — is a racist organization. I don’t believe that,” Biden said. “Very conservative. Very different views on government and a whole lot of things. But it is not a racist organization.”
(Via Outside the Beltway; H/t: Instapundit) If this seems surprising, it shouldn’t be. The NAACP has a goal; minimizing the Democratic Party’s losses in 201[0*] (via the use of a smear campaign). Vice President Biden also has a goal; re-electing the President (and, incidentally, himself) in 2012. The two goals are incompatible. A Democratic majority in Congress means that the President will either have to assert control over determining the nature of the bills that get submitted for his signature, or else have to sign more popularity-killing monstrosities like the stimulus or Obamacare. The first is beyond both the President’s official powers and personal skill set, and the second will get him defeated handily in two years. Continue reading Tell me again of this administration’s awesome message discipline.