Tell me again of this administration’s awesome message discipline.

Joe Biden opens his mouth:

“I don’t believe, the president doesn’t believe that the Tea Party is — is a racist organization.  I don’t believe that,” Biden said.  “Very conservative.  Very different views on government and a whole lot of things.  But it is not a racist organization.”

(Via Outside the Beltway; H/t: Instapundit)  If this seems surprising, it shouldn’t be.  The NAACP has a goal; minimizing the Democratic Party’s losses in 201[0*] (via the use of a smear campaign).  Vice President Biden also has a goal; re-electing the President (and, incidentally, himself) in 2012.  The two goals are incompatible.  A Democratic majority in Congress means that the President will either have to assert control over determining the nature of the bills that get submitted for his signature, or else have to sign more popularity-killing monstrosities like the stimulus or Obamacare.  The first is beyond both the President’s official powers and personal skill set, and the second will get him defeated handily in two years. Continue reading Tell me again of this administration’s awesome message discipline.

#rsrh Joe Biden unleashes DOOM in Milwaukee!

I suppose that it’s for the best that Joe Biden never considered a medical career.

Vice President Joe Biden gave a stark assessment of the economy Friday, telling an audience of supporters, “there’s no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession.”

Appearing at a fundraiser with Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.) in Milwaukee…

(Via The Daily Caller) If he had, Delaware would have the highest patient suicide rate on the Eastern Seaboard. As it stands, the only thing that took the system shock is Feingold’s re-election chances: I suspect that Feingold never thought that he’d be in this kind of mess at this point in the cycle…

Joe Biden Opens His Mouth: Dick Blumenthal edition.

It’s enough to make you wonder whether the White House wants the Democrats to keep Dodd’s seat:

Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday took an unexpected dig at Connecticut Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal (D) for misstating his military service record.

While speaking at a barbecue for wounded soldiers, he commented about veterans coming home from the Vietnam War. Biden, who has a penchant for being loquacious, veered into the Connecticut Senate race.

“I didn’t serve in Vietnam. I don’t want to make a Blumenthal mistake here,” he said according to a pool report.

First off: ‘loquacious’ is not exactly the word that I’d use, as it does not have the same connotations for disaster and embarrassment that, say, ‘going off half-cocked’ does.  Second: Dick Blumenthal didn’t ‘misstate:’ he lied.  Third: any guesses on Biden’s intent, here?  It’s usually safe to assume that he didn’t mean to throw another log on the Blumenthal pyre; but it’s also possible that somebody told him that it was important to push the ‘misstatement’ meme, and this is just Joe Biden’s way of trying to help. Continue reading Joe Biden Opens His Mouth: Dick Blumenthal edition.

#rsrh VP Biden admits bad job situation!

Not that he knows it, yet.  Why? Because when Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, it’s always a random disaster.  As Andrew Malcolm reports:

Speaking for Mark Critz, a Democrat running for a House seat who’s “the real deal” as opposed to some others who Biden says have been “real turkeys,” the Obama administration’s chief gaffemeister said:

We’re going to be creating somewhere between 100 and 200,000 jobs next month, I predict.

Which is a pretty wide range.

It’s also an admission that the administration still hasn’t actually stopped the bleeding:

But let’s set a more modest goal: return to more or less full employment in 5 years –which means seven lean years of depressed employment. To keep up with population growth over those 7 years, the United States would have had to add 84 times 127,000 or 10.668 million jobs. (If that sounds high, bear in mind that we added more than 20 million jobs over the 8 Clinton years). Add in the need to make up lost ground, and we’re at around 18 million jobs over the next five years — or 300,000 a month.

So that’s a useful benchmark. Even if we add 300,000 jobs a month, we’re looking at a prolonged period of suffering — a huge cost from the Great Recession. So that’s kind of a minimal definition of success. Anything less than that, and it’s bad news.

And guess which right-wing shill of the conservative movement said that? – That’s right: Paul Krugman, back in December of 2009.  Guess Biden’s behind on his technical reading…

‘Reading.’ Oh, I slay me.

Moe Lane

‘Next week on C-SPAN: Cabinet fart-lighting contest!’

God save the Republic.

[UPDATE]: Greek, Roman, what’s the difference? Dead white guy either way, and it’s not like anybody in this administration reads the classics anyway.

So that’s no literacy in English, no math skills, and no historical knowledge. I figured that I could get away with the nerd thing, being one myself – but I may have to apologize to the other members of my sub-group for the implied slur if this keeps up.

I swear, sometimes I almost think that those people pull this stuff just to embarrass me in public (f-bomb warning):

Also, apparently the Vice President uses the same online quote website that the President does. It’s like watching Revenge of the Nerds, only featuring functional illiterates who aren’t good at math.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

WH ready to go up against Cheney… says anonymous source. Wait, what? #rsrh

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers.

Do these people actually understand how this looks?

But debating Dick Cheney on terrorism? The Obama White House says it’s happy to do that anytime, as it did with Sunday’s split-screen standoff between Cheney and Vice President Joe Biden.

The dueling appearances, along with what is a clear administration strategy to play up its newly aggressive approach in Afghanistan, show a White House determined to project a posture of strength on national security and trying to gain the upper hand with Republicans who wish to portray Obama as weak.

“We have never engaged in chest-beating on what we’re doing on terrorism,” said a White House official, who was pleased by how the interviews had played out. “But this dynamic where we’re responding to criticism from the former vice president gave us the opportunity to explain what we’re doing, without just going out and talking tough.”

Except that what they didn’t do was debate Cheney. They whined about him. And then they bragged about whining about him. Anonymously. Joe Biden wouldn’t actually dare go face-to-face with Dick Cheney on this issue. Heck, he won’t dare go face-to-face with Scott Brown.  And don’t get me wrong: that might even be smart strategy on Biden’s, or the White House’s, part.  But this isn’t September 2008: the Democrats aren’t able to have it both ways quite this comprehensively anymore…

Moe Lane

Whom the WH wishes to snub… #rsrh

…they send Joe Biden, according to Andrew Malcolm.  Andrew’s being perhaps the slightest bit unkind to the administration this morning – there may have been a legitimate reason for the President not to have attended the Vancouver Olympics himself, although the fact that Biden is combining the trip with a fundraiser for Patty Murray is diagnostic – but I’m more fascinated with the Vancouver logo than I am whether or not the President’s being more petulant than usual. I mean, look at it:


About the only thing that you can say about it is that at least this one doesn’t look like it’s having sex.

Moe Lane

PS: And shouldn’t the arms be black?

PPS: I’m just going to give up entirely on the lack of capitalization, mind you.

Joe Biden cops to being a progressive.

Admittedly, it’s in the context of explaining why progressives need to take a bite of this surprisingly tasty, solid B+ health care rationing sandwich*, but actual semantic content is actual semantic content:

“I share the frustration of other progressives that the Senate bill does not include a public option.”

Especially when it’s sitting out there, all alone like that.  But you saw it here first: Joe Biden’s a progressive.  I wonder whether this means that moving forward the Vice President’s going to more forcefully oppose FISA, rendition, keeping Gitmo open, DADT, opposition to same-sex marriage, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on**.  I mean, the thought that he would be – merciful Heaven forbid! – lying to progressives would be awful***…

Moe Lane Continue reading Joe Biden cops to being a progressive.

Crowder has *far* too much fun with this stuff.

Although the way things are going perhaps neither the Vice President nor the Speaker of the House is going to be too distressed about the way this turned out.

I mean, in their shoes I wouldn’t sign my work if I could possibly help it.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.