One week left on the THE SECRET WORLD FOR SAVAGE WORLDS Kickstarter.

Honestly, I think THE SECRET WORLD is better suited for a points-based system like SAVAGE WORLDS than it would be for a level-based one like 5e. This particular Kickstarter is over in a week, and it lacks the special ‘put your PC in the game’ option that I gleefully put in the other one. Does that mean my character will be recycled for the new system? …Probably not, but I won’t be mad if they do end up doing that.

The An Entertainment In Londinium: A Girl Genius Graphic Novel Kickstarter.

Honestly, at this point I don’t even really think about it. This is how I get the latest Girl Genius graphic novel (An Entertainment In Londinium). This is the system.

Note, by the way, that they have their adult kid handling doing the videos now. Just in case you weren’t feeling OLD.

The Ultimate Conclusions short story collection Kickstarter.

Ultimate Conclusions is a fantasy/science fiction short story collection by Karl Gallagher; this is his first Kickstarter. Karl is a good dude who actually has the chops to write hard SF, and you should definitely check out his Torchship Trilogy even if you’re not going to back his Kickstarter. But you should back his Kickstarter.


The Kickstarter is in the can.

Did well for itself, too. 304% funded, several stretch goals hit. I surpassed all the metrics on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 1 Kickstarter, which is the proper benchmark – but I did better than I expected when matched up against the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter. I think novel crowdfunding just does better than short story collection crowdfunding does, but I’m happy with this being in the same ballpark.

I think I also learned a few things this time about promotion, too. Every little bit helps, hey? …Anyway, now comes the work-work part: getting all of this stuff out the door. Thanks to everybody who backed; if you missed out, I’ll be setting up a Backerkit store in the next few days.

Again, thank you very much! These things are always wild rides.

TWO DAYS LEFT on the Kickstarter! If you were waiting for the best time to back…

…now would be it. TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 will be my collection of post-apocalyptic fantasy stories set in the aforementioned Fermi Resolution universe: it’ll feature old characters and new, and will include a madcap self-contained adventure from my upcoming Tom Vargas novel BANSHEE BEACH. The last forty-eight hours of a Kickstarter are in some ways the most important ones, because it’s now that we see what stretch goals will get fulfilled. Here are the most relevant ones:

Continue reading TWO DAYS LEFT on the Kickstarter! If you were waiting for the best time to back…