:blink: :blink: There’s a novel-length version of ‘Who Goes There?’ And now a Kickstarter?

I may or may not have uttered a twelve-letter obscenity denoting supreme surprise when hearing this news.

While researching his new bookAstounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction, author Alec Nevala-Lee learned that Campbell had actually written a novel-length version of [“Who Goes There?”], which he cut down for publication in the magazine.

Spotting a reference in one of Campbell’s surviving letters to a box of manuscripts the editor had sent to Harvard for archiving, Nevala-Lee tracked down the box at the university and discovered that it contained Frozen Hell, the full-length original version of Campbell’s story.

Continue reading :blink: :blink: There’s a novel-length version of ‘Who Goes There?’ And now a Kickstarter?

OK, this one actually IS a Kickstarter plug: Draculagate.

The Draculagate Kickstarter is for a graphic novel about the USA trying to navigate its way through a diplomatic catastrophe between Canada and Transylvania (the one with all the monsters). I have been personally assured by one of the creators that they were actively avoiding making it an explicit, targeted political allegory; and as the pages they’re showing don’t look particularly objectionable*, I’m going to give it a whirl.  Because, honestly: however absurd it gets, it won’t be as absurd as it would be in real life.

Moe Lane

Continue reading OK, this one actually IS a Kickstarter plug: Draculagate.

The Machina Arcana ~ From Beyond Kickstarter.

I’m not getting it, because I don’t play board games.

But the Machina Arcana ~ From Beyond steampunk horror game looks gorgeous.  Three scenarios, four players, sort of a cross between an RPG and a video game and a board game, and the aesthetics are top-notch.  I’d play this, if I knew anybody who had it.  I just don’t have the room in the house for a board game that I won’t be able to play.

Four days left on the Kickstarter, so check it out now.

Did you miss the Delta Green: Labyrinth Kickstarter?

This Backerkit link should work, if you want to pre-order either Delta Green: Labyrinth (groups to implode in play during a Delta Green campaign) or Delta Green: Those Who Come After (sourcebook for the time-traveling, body-stealing Great Race of Yith).  Plus, of course, all the extras that came along with that particular Delta Green Kickstarter.  It won’t give you the same deal, but that’s why they have Kickstarter.

I am very curious about how this particular game line will develop further.