Last weekend of the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter!

We’re pretty dang close – less than a hundred bucks – to the next TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter stretch goal, too! ‘Course, the next one (an audiobook version of TINSEL RAIN) is the big one. Well, the big one that I’m gonna likely hit, barring people accidentally misclicking on Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter and backing mine instead.

Anyway, last weekend of me nagging on this, so tell your friends! And, well, everybody else. Just make sure they pick up FROZEN DREAMS first – or, you know, pick that tier in the Kickstarter. TINSEL RAIN is a sequel, after all.


An important milestone on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter.

This was a private goal, not a public one: I broke $2,100 on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter! This was important because of my funding realities. The very short version is that it can take more than a year’s worth of various money pools refilling before I can squeeze enough cash out to self-publish a novel. Note: this is not a complaint. I am very lucky to have those money pools. Most people do not. Many of the people who do have those pools need the money for more important things, like food and rent.

Continue reading An important milestone on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter.

One week to go on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter!

We’re back in the inevitable rut, because that’s how these things go. But it’s going well! It could just be even better. So if you know anybody who hasn’t backed my new post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective novel TINSEL RAIN, now is the time for decisive action.

Shamus Tom Vargas from FROZEN DREAMS is back! And this time he’s dealing with murdered mages, shadowy conspiracies, and a new Sidekick to train up in Cin City! He’s very excited about it all, really. If only there wasn’t a new Archmage to deal with…

So, I tried a Facebook Ad for the Kickstarter.

I am… not convinced that it did a single blessed thing for me. Now, getting a link on Skin Horse on Sunday? That lit things up for the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter. I am not sure if the problems I have with Facebook ads (or Amazon ads, for that matter) are because of the ads, or me – but I’m pretty sure that they are problems; and I don’t really know how to fix them. I’ve looked up possible solutions, but they invariably involve me buying some service that will magically make everything awesome. Yeah, I don’t believe that one either. And double yeah: I can see where the money’s being made there.

Ach, well, it could be worse. Plenty of self-published writers out there would love to have my situation, I know. I should be more grateful about it.

Two weeks in on TINSEL RAIN: 40% of the way to the audiobook stretch goal!

This means, obviously, that the project has already funded – so the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter is going really well right now. We’re chugging along on getting to the short story sampler stretch goal, too – that’s at 74% – and almost at 18% for the goal that will give BACKERS an EXTRA BOOK!

So, you know: tell all your friends. Heck, tell your rivals. They might be cool people, outside of that. I try not to get involved in fights I’ve got no business being in.

The Surprise! Brandon Sanderson *Really* Doesn’t Need My Help to Advertise His Four Secret Novels Kickstarter.

I mean… wow. Thirteen million on a one million dollar pledge goal. In the first day. That is, like, massively cool.

Congratulations, Brandon Sanderson. It’s fun to see this going on. Not as much fun as seeing it going on for you, I imagine, but still fun to see.

First, and successful, week done on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter.

Looking at the numbers… TINSEL RAIN is definitely outperforming TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION and is not too far off from FROZEN DREAMS at this point of the cycle in terms of revenue, although I had more backers at this stage for the latter. I figure that’s to be expected: the first book had a lot of people showing up to support me actually, wow, writing a novel and everything. The drop-off from the first to the second Kickstarter was instructive, although I did wonder how much of that was due to the first book being a novel and the second being a short story collection. Preliminary results comparing TALES and TINSEL RAIN suggests that it is a factor. I guess it really is true: novels sell better than short stories. God knows the latter is far more of a buyer’s market.

Anyway, good first week, and now I have to find new places to get people to see the Kickstarter. :brightly: Suggestions welcome!


The STAND STILL, STAY SILENT Vol. 4 Kickstarter.

The fourth of sixth volumes, and there won’t be a seventh: Stand Still, Stay Silent is in the wrap-up stage. Which is a shame, but it’s Minna’s webcomic, not mine. If she’s done, she’s done, and that’s both the beginning and the end of it. Making her keep doing a project that she’s not enthusiastic about doing would only wreck the comic.
