Well, MORGAN BAROD proceeds apace.

Got about half of the beta readers back in full and the other half are sending me stuff, so that’s on track. I also have the editor confirmed, and contracted out for the map (I absolutely needed to have a map for this book). The cover’s being worked on already, as you all know. I expect MORGAN BAROD will go to the editor at some time in May. I expect I’m going to try to work on TINSEL RAIN also in May, and until it’s time for me to do edits for MORGAN BAROD. If I have any time left over after that, I’m going to get a jump on the new novel.

Oh, and I’m planning a side project involving “Pickman’s Model.” Keep watching the skies…

The alpha read of MORGAN BAROD has been processed.

This bad boy clocks in at just over 85,000 words. Now comes the fun part: the beta read. And the alpha-reread. And the edits. And more edits. And MOAR EDITS, until the end of time.

If you want to be in on the beta read, drop me a line. I am running a little behind, so quick turnover would be helpful.

04/10/21 Revisions, MORGAN BAROD.

Chewed through the Vampire City, fixed it up all nice and proper, and… there are extensive reader notes on Chapter 20 and 21. I seem to recall feeling vaguely eager to speed on through, and get on to the next part. WELP, I’M GONNA PAY THE PRICE FOR THAT NOW!

Seriously, though, this is moving along pretty good. I might have the first write-through squared away by the end of next week. Then it’s beta-reader time!

04/09/21 Revision, MORGAN BAROD.

I am not precisely stuck on Chapter 17. I’m just trying to figure out the best way to change it. My first thought was there was going to be a crime, Morgan Barod thwarts it, there’s an execution of the criminal, then there’s a fight scene… it can’t be sustained by the timeline. So I’m just going to have the crime, the thwarting, and then the fight scene. Much more seamless all around.