Movie of the Week: Arrival.

I’d call this feature something else, except that I’m pretty much locked into it at this point. Anyway: Arrival is coming out on DVD in two weeks, and if you missed it the first time then you should correct that.  This is the kind of science fiction flick that will infuriate you about Hollywood, because they can clearly make movies like this, but won’t. And there’s no excuse. It was a hit. It racked up a bunch of Oscar nominations, including some of the ones that the studios most like to brag about. I am an unrepentant blow-em-up, popcorn-movie guy, and I raved about Arrival.  And now Hollywood will go back to making stupid (in both senses of the word) movies that nobody likes, because God forbid they should challenge their audi… sorry. I’ll stop ranting, now.

Arrival. Awesome flick. Go pre-order it.

And so, adieu to Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Continue reading Movie of the Week: Arrival.

Movie of the Week: Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is one of those flicks that definitely grew on me, although my major problem with it still stands: you just can’t drive a car through Dizzy City that quickly.  You simply cannot.  There’s almost a law against it.

And so, adieu to Dark Dungeons.

Moe Lane

PS: I actually read the hostage ship bit to my youngest today as a bedtime story. This amuses me.

Movie of the Week: Dark Dungeons.

Dark Dungeons is, of course, the resolutely straight-faced-or-possibly-actually-deadpan adaptation of the legendary anti D&D tract drawn and written by the late Jack Chick.  That link goes to the Amazon Prime version, which means that none of you can actually buy it there (I assume that all of my readers have Amazon Prime); but what the heck. It’s fascinating watching, especially when you try to figure out how the director got the project greenlighted*.

And so, adieu to John Carter. Continue reading Movie of the Week: Dark Dungeons.

Movie of the Week: Deadpool (with a caveat).

Said caveat being Keep Deadpool out of the reach of children.  And by ‘children’ I really do mean ‘under the age of 18*.’  I’m still trying to figure out how to watch it again myself.  Possibly by buying a copy for the convention and watching it in my hotel room, or something.

…Yeah, that looked stupid when I wrote it, too.

Anyway: adieu to Zootopia.

*Sure, your kid can handle it.  I’m putting up the CYA disclaimer anyway.  Don’t let kids watch this film.

Movie of the Week: Cloverfield.

Weird that I’ve never done Cloverfield before, but if I have then I didn’t tag it properly. Go figure. Anyway: I know that the shaky-cam thing can set off adverse physiological effects on people – or they just don’t like it on general principles – but I’ve never had a problem with shaky-cam, and goodness knows a for-real giant monster movie filmed at street level can justify its use. …I’m sure that I’ve talked about this before, though. Cloverfield is, like, this movie that’s being filmed while another giant monster movie – one that’s a bit more conventional – is going on. As a conceit it’s an acquired taste, sure, but I’m now kind of ready to go watch it again.

And so, adieu to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Continue reading Movie of the Week: Cloverfield.

Movie of the Week/ Honest Trailer: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is making its way to me even as we speak, and cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait. In the meantime, check out the Honest Trailer below. Which has spoilers, for anybody who has somehow managed to get this far without either seeing the film, or finding out about the spoilers anyway.

And so, adieu to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Movie of the Week: Guardians of the Galaxy.

I’m a little surprised that I haven’t done Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy yet, but then Movie of the Week gets less love than Book of the Week. Probably because I don’t watch as many movies or television shows as I used to, but I still get in a lot of books.  Anyway: this was the film that convinced Marvel that it was unstoppable. …And, to be fair, so far they’ve been right. Anyway, if you haven’t seen this film – come on, you’ve seen this film. It has a raccoon with a machine gun in it. You are reading this site. Let’s be honest, here.

And so, adieu to Dark City.

Movie of the Week: Dark City.

Dark City is… interesting. Sort of horror, sort of noir, sort of science fiction; definitely worth watching, if you like movies where ‘messing with your mind’ isn’t even remotely metaphorical.  Interestingly, I think that I’ve only seen the theatrical release; the director’s cut is supposed to be better.  Then again, Director’s Cuts are always supposed to be better, even when they’re really not.

And so, adieu to Pitch Black. Continue reading Movie of the Week: Dark City.