“It” being the Peace Abbey’s Gandhi statue, which disappeared in the chaos that was the lancing, draining, and disinfection of the Occupy Boston boil on Beantown’s ass. I didn’t think that it was stolen, per se: simply that it was going to end up in somebody’s garage, or maybe get turned into a pretentious art project… or, again, a beer bong.
But the Occupiers managed to exceed my (extremely low) expectations of them and cough up the statue. It’s even in one piece! Generally speaking: Continue reading And here I thought that the Gandhi statue was now a beer bong.
Tag: occupiers
A PSA for the failed #OccupyDC barn-builders.
Well… shed builders, at least. Seriously, that’s not even close to being a barn.
Moving along: as the link above notes, some of the people ‘occupying’ DC tried to put up a wooden structure today… and, apparently, was not able to get the blessed thing even half-done before the cops finally decided to put this exercise in sustained disdain for property rights out of its misery. As I understand it, before the end public urination was featured… which is how you know that it was an official Occupation, apparently. I swear, these people have absolutely no control over their bowels… Continue reading A PSA for the failed #OccupyDC barn-builders.
#rsrh Occupiers now trying to build permanent structures?
Um. NO. You can’t do that. We have this thing called “property rights” – yes, yes, I know, Marxists consider that to be a swear phrase. But then, Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people. Anyway. STOP this, Occupiers. There are RULES.
Learn them.
Moe Lane
Whither Occupy? (Probably not the ballot box.)
What a shame.
This New York magazine article on the Occupy movement is interesting, and that’s not a euphemism: author John Heilemann is not only aware that the supposedly leaderless movement has plenty of self-appointed (and I’d add, ‘imposed’) leaders to it, but he’s even willing to admit to it in writing. Heilemann also has some pretty good insights on the Occupy movement, and the Democratic establishment, and how the two are, ah, ‘interacting.’ All in all, it’s about as fair-minded an article as you could hope to get from somebody who is sympathetic to a movement that thinks that the act of defecating on police cars is a valuable addition to public discourse.
And yet: the following bit of advice on what the Occupiers’ long-term goals should be is, well, poor. Continue reading Whither Occupy? (Probably not the ballot box.)
#rsrh :raised eyebrow: Occupy Chicago getting advice from Bill Ayers?
Well, I suppose that, given his track record in teaching the skills of violence, this method is somewhat less likely to splatter fumble-fingered revolutionary blood, guts, and grey matter all over the nearest wall*. Although, knowing Bill Ayers, if there’s a possible way that he can get yet more Marxist idiots (but I repeat myself) killed, he’ll manage it…
Continue reading #rsrh :raised eyebrow: Occupy Chicago getting advice from Bill Ayers?
#rsrh Elizabeth Warren denies Occupiers the second time. #OWS
Because, after all, principles are principles – but a Senate seat is a Senate seat.
U.S. Senate hopeful and Harvard Law prof Elizabeth Warren, who has claimed she laid the “intellectual foundation” for the Occupy Wall Street movement, is jilting the anti-corporate proteges in her own Ivy League yard, refusing to sign a petition in support of Occupy Harvard.
Warren, who declined to speak to the Herald, is focused on her campaign, said spokesman Kyle Sullivan.
Continue reading #rsrh Elizabeth Warren denies Occupiers the second time. #OWS
#rsrh An Occupier video unsuitable for RedState. (NSFW)
At least, not for the front page: it’s a long range video of a DC [Seattle*] Occupier literally defecating on a sidewalk as the cars whiz by. Note when you watch it that the Occupier uses a garbage can to give himself(?) some privacy from the other Occupiers, while clearly being indifferent to the reaction of the folks in the cars: I’m no psychologist, but I suspect that this probably gives you an idea of just who said Occupier truly recognizes as being important.
Anyway, the question that eventually comes to mind here is Was this faked? After all, the idea that the Occupiers have degenerated to the point where they’re defecating on public sidewalks is kind of alarming. Alas, the idea that it’d might have been faked is really just false comfort; it only means that the Occupiers have degenerated to the point where they’re indifferent to defecation on public sidewalks.
Which is some pretty hardcore degeneration, right there.
Moe Lane
PS: Can’t remember where I saw this first, sorry. Drudge?
[*The Blaze reported that this video is actually from Seattle. My bad.]
Occupy DC tries, fails to trigger Mob incident.
Background: Americans for Prosperity is having its annual summit this weekend, and the Occupy movement decided to send some people over to disrupt it – which is to say, they tried to rush the building. They failed, of course – the American Left simply is not very good at demonstrations* – but in the process of expressing their inner kindergarteners (the ones that weren’t using actual kindergarteners as props/riot shields, that is) some protesters got hit by a car. And we almost had an incident over it – only it turns out that ‘protesters got hit by a car’ actually means ‘some protesters threw themselves in front of a car.’
Imagine my surprise:
Continue reading Occupy DC tries, fails to trigger Mob incident.