Put up an extra microfiction for the holidays. Feel free to spread the word around about my Patreon…
Tag: patreon
My Patreon short-short-short ‘Chill Wind.’
“Chill Wind” is fairly unique: as far as I can tell, there’s nothing supernatural or science-fictional about it at all. I guess that I was just very, very cold when I wrote it. Go figure.
New Patreon short-short: Frogman Prince.
Link here. This is the longer version of ‘Frogman Prince:’ I realized that I had enough for a short-short story, so I told it. Baby steps…
My Patreon short-short-short: “Music Riots With Savage Beats.”
Found here. ‘Music Riots With Savage Beats’ is, regrettably, a bit of an in-joke title (“Music Quiets the Savage Beast”). I need to break myself of that habit.
My Patreon short-short-short ‘Fermi’s Resolution.’
I wrote up ‘Fermi’s Resolution‘ because I was trying to come up with an answer to Fermi’s Paradox (“Where the Hell is everybody?”) that hadn’t been already done to death. I assume that this answer has been done already at least once already, though. Trying to figure out where the aliens are is a very, very, very well-trod path in science fiction.
Hey, look: Patreon button!
Annnd that’s it for the evening. (Check out my Patreon! With free stuff added!)
2 AM is not a sustainable bedtime for me anymore. Alas and alack. Gonna put up a video and go to bed.
Oh, and check out my Patreon! I’ve made some changes to the format: let me know if there’s been an improvement.
I need folks to take a look at my Patreon account. https://www.patreon.com/MoeLane
No, seriously. I’m trying to figure out how to make it super-effective, so I could use some eyeballs on it to tell me if I’m missing anything obvious. Or anything that’s not obvious, but still useful, I suppose.
My Patreon page is here.
My other Patreon short-short-short: “Heads-or-Jail.”
“Heads-or-Jail” is about as much social commentary as you’re going to get in 100 words, honestly. Which is to say: it will throw something heavy at social commentary on the way past, in the hopes that maybe random chance will let the heavy item intersect the target. But even if it doesn’t, well, it’s already receding in the rear view mirror anyway.
This metaphor needs work.
As always, my Patreon is here.
My Patreon short-short-short: “Cats! In! SPACE!” (https://www.patreon.com/MoeLane)
“Cats! In! SPACE!” is not entirely meant to be serious. Especially since there are no actual cats in the story, and would not be even if it were longer than 100 words. Just the way it is.
As always, my Patreon is here.
My Patreon short-short-short “Leap Year.”
After the fold. Anyway, guess what “Leap Year” is about? Yeah, this one wasn’t really what you’d call obscure.
My Patreon is here. Two-thirds on the way to having the monthly gaming stuff be OGL-system-compatible!