Starting today and continuing until Christmas Eve, pick up Kindle copies of my illustrated chapbooks ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, and DECISIONS for only 99 cents! Each chapbook has four stories, each with its own illustration. Perfect for casual reading!
Tag: revisionary
Starting Friday and continuing until Christmas Eve, pick up Kindle copies of my illustrated chapbooks ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, and DECISIONS for only 99 cents! Each chapbook has four stories, each with its own illustration. Perfect for casual reading!
I have physical copies of DECISIONS to sell at @FrightReads!
This is good, because Fright Reads in October is primarily a horror/spooky book show. Oh, fantasy authors are welcome, too, but I want to have my chapbooks on call and ready to be sold. DECISIONS isn’t as flat-out horrific as REVISIONARY was, but I’m pleased by how the Mythos story in it came out. Hopefully I’ll be in a position to move some product next month.
Moe Lane
PS: MORGAN BAROD should be available, too, but those books aren’t coming until next week.
My chapbooks’ Memorial Day Kindle Countdown deal starts tomorrow!
Reminder: minor e-book sale tomorrow for Memorial Day weekend. Chapbooks, specially priced! Includes original illustrations! What a bargain.
I’ve entered ANAGNORISIS and REVISIONARY in Memorial Day Kindle Countdown deals.
Starts in a few days, so if you don’t want to save a couple of bucks go ahead and buy them now. Otherwise… cheap books! Tell all your friends!
Book of the Week: REVISIONARY.
REVISIONARY! By, well, me. With a horror-themed illustration for each story, too! I have some pardonable pride about how this came out. Whether it’s justifiable pride… ehh. I dunno?
My REVISIONARY Cthulhu Mythos chapbook is now available in print!
REVISIONARY, in all its Cthulhuoid beauty! Huzzah!
…Although personally I’d suggest pre-ordering it on Backerkit. It’ll be signed, and there’s a discount.
The print version of REVISIONARY is off for review.
I’ve been letting REVISIONARY hang over my head for about a week longer than I should have. The problem was that checking a proof copy for errors is simultaneously tiresome, frustrating, and futile. It must be done; you will catch errors that have managed to elude you thus far; and you cannot hope to catch all the other errors that have managed to elude you thus far. There’s a joke in this business that the best way to instantly find mistakes is to push ‘Send,’ only nobody’s laughing. Or at least they’re not laughing with humor.
Next up: second pass-through on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION story edits. That link offers a discount on signed copies of REVISIONARY and ANAGNORISIS, by the way. Just saying.
In the mail: the proof copy for REVISIONARY!
Half a week early. Illustrations by Ben Fleuter, and they came out real nice.
You can go the REVISIONARY route in one of three ways: get the Kindle book now, pre-order a physical copy via Amazon, or order a signed copy at a slight discount via my Backerkit store. Either way: four stories, about 32 thousand words, four illustrations. Enjoy!
The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Backerkit surveys are away / The REVISIONARY chapbook is processing!
That’s what I’ve been doing this morning, you see. I don’t know how long it’ll be before REVISIONARY is live; if you want a hardcopy I’d say get it or via the Backerkit store. There’s a bit of a discount.
And, if you did go for the Kickstarter: fill out your surveys! If you haven’t, there’s a chance to do it via the above Backerkit link. Or, here it is again.