Tonight was Newsletter Night!

A little delayed because I had to do some training on the newsletter for my eventual replacement. Yup, I’m going to be finishing up being Chronicler for my SCA Barony soon. It’s been, what, at least five years now?

:click click:

Yup, over five years. Time flies when you’re having fun, or in the middle of a pandemic.

Moe Lane

PS: After flipping through a few… I actually didn’t do too bad a job on these. Even won an award for one special Pennsic issue. I’ll miss doing them, but I’ll burn out if I don’t take a break. We have seen it happen before.

Sorry, today was Newsletter Day.

Every month I have to do the newsletter for my SCA Barony. I generally can get it put together easily enough, but there’s always last-minute stuff to handle. That eats up time, especially since I also have to email things and update the website and so forth. I’m gonna miss/not miss doing it when I train up my replacement this year, but it’s time to hand off the job; I’ve been doing it since before the pandemic, which is a while for a baronial office. It’ll be nice to take a little time off before I go find something else to do in the SCA.

Event all done!

Went back this morning to make sure my part of the site was broken down properly. Which is was… possibly because I went back. It’s when you don’t check that the problems start. The whole event went well, which is always nice – in fact, it’s the goal. Now I can be less responsible for a while…

And now, a nap.

Looonnnng Day.

A productive one, but long. And hot! Extremely hot, with a side of muggy. It’s a good thing I don’t do events like this every weekend.

Not done yet, though. Breakdown tomorrow! At least I don’t have to do all that much.

Gonna try to vendor again this weekend.

My wife and I have an SCA event, and Lord knows MORGAN BAROD is exceptionally SCA-friendly. So much so, I’m mildly surprised nobody I know personally has ever called me on it. I put a lot of people’s grandkids in that book. My wife’s just going to sell some of her jewelry, to make room in the house so that she can make more jewelry. It should be a thing.

Anyway: I hope it doesn’t rain this time!


No, really, I did work today.

It’s just that most of it had to do with revisions to my SCA barony’s website. We’re overdue for an update, and my position (Chronicler) means that I need to be kept in the loop. Which is funny, because I still have difficulty taking seriously the thought that people might want to take me seriously…

It was a good event, despite the lack of zebras.

A beautiful day and everything went off without hitches, which is always nice. I wasn’t doing as much to help out as I usually try to, for various reasons, but I still managed to be useful, here and there. Oh, and I got a baronial award for service! That was very cool, and I like the enamelwork on the medallion.

But no zebras, except for the ones we brought with us. But that’s okay. They weren’t preregistered.

Moe Lane