I will need to put these two into more scenes.
Continue reading 01/16/2020 Snippet, Frozen Dreams.Tag: snippet
01/14/2020 Snippet, Frozen Dreams.
Dead dude’s Freddie Baldwin Cuaron.
Continue reading 01/14/2020 Snippet, Frozen Dreams.01/13/2020 Snippet, Frozen Dreams
I want to punch this up a bit more though, maybe. Give it more of that old staccato oomph.
“So are you going to go after Wolfie again?” I asked Elizabeth. She looked down at her mug of tea like she had stashed an answer there, then shook her head.
“He’s too powerful. I don’t know what he did to me, when I died. I don’t even know if first edition Elizabeth really know what he did. But, ha, Wolfie is strong. Too strong for me to beat him in a straight-up wizard’s duel.”
“Yeah,” I said. “You know, you shouldn’t have done that. At least, not in the middle of the city!”
Elizabeth looked contrite and defiant at the same time, like she agreed with me and wanted to do it again anyway. “I’m less than a week old. That count for anything?”
“Sure, but don’t go too many times to that well. So, he’s too powerful. You think you can take Wolfie down if somebody else takes the shine off him a little?” I wouldn’t mind it if somebody else did the heavy lifting for a change. And if anybody deserved last dibs on Wolfie, it’d be Elizabeth.
01/11/2010 Snippet, Frozen Dreams.
It may be too cute. I don’t really want to explain the joke, though. I’ll let the beta readers have their input before I decide.
Continue reading 01/11/2010 Snippet, Frozen Dreams.Snippet of… I dunno what to call it. “Obsequies for the Golden Emperor?”
Or something. This idea is probably gonna be the new RPG setting AND this month’s Patreon story, though. Efficiency! Cthulhu Mythos!
Also: Patreon!
01/09/2020 FROZEN DREAMS snippet.
I needed some more characters, and this one sort of shoved her way forward. I’d object, except that before I was straining to write twenty five words and once she showed up I was pushing a thousand. And she’ll get even more!
Continue reading 01/09/2020 FROZEN DREAMS snippet.Snippet from FROZEN DREAMS (01/08/2020).
More exposition-type stuff.
Continue reading Snippet from FROZEN DREAMS (01/08/2020).Snippet from ‘Spoilers.’
Something from what I’m suddenly working on, after a conversation on Twitter today. It’s probably going to be this month’s short story. I expect it to clock in pretty close to 3K, too.
Continue reading Snippet from ‘Spoilers.’NaNoWriMo, 11/28/2019: 2047/56070.
No snippet: I gotta clear this table so that the roast beef can go on it. Happy Thanksgiving, folks! (My turkey day is tomorrow.)
NaNoWriMo, 11/27/2019: 1896/54023.
Gonna be interesting for the next three days. We are definitely nearing the end… FOR NOW! Huzzah! Snippet here.