Going to advertise the Tom Vargas books again.

FROZEN DREAMS, TINSEL RAIN, and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (Tom Vargas novella in that one), to be specific. Tom Vargas is my post-apocalyptic, fantasy pulp detective. He’s a lot of fun to write, and I have the next book of his (BANSHEE BEACH) on deck after I finish the new novel.

Anyway… three books, eleven bucks: it’s a damned good deal, frankly. Particularly in these uncertain financial times. People should buy them.

The final Kickstarter reward for TINSEL RAIN has been sent out!

This was the early signup bonus of art, and three Fermi Resolution horror stories (one of which is new!) that should have gone out a while ago. But it’s all done, hee-hee, it’s off to be distributed, ho-ho, all taken care of, YOU HEAR ME! STOP CROUCHING ON MY BEDPOST, YOU DAMNED TENEBROUS HARPY OF UNFULFILLED EXPECTATIONS! IT’S OVER! OVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Sorry about that. Anyway, check your email if you Kickstarted TINSEL RAIN early. If it doesn’t go through, or you were supposed to, and didn’t, let me know and I’ll hook you up.


TINSEL RAIN goes on 99 Cent Kindle Sale next week!

So buy TINSEL RAIN today!

323% funded on Kickstarter!

Tinsel Rain returns us to the post-apocalyptic world of Cin City, glittering tinsel crown of the Kingdom of New California. When an old not-quite-friend of Shamus Tom Vargas is found dead, Tom gets pulled into a case of murder, magic, and mystery! Sinister archmages! Bodies in alleys! An actual high-speed car ride! And as many bad jokes as the author could cram in! Truly, you deserve to read this book!

Continue reading TINSEL RAIN goes on 99 Cent Kindle Sale next week!

Book Showcase: TINSEL RAIN.

TINSEL RAIN is my third novel, and second Tom Vargas post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective novel. And isn’t that a mouthful! To quote myself:

Tinsel Rain returns us to the post-apocalyptic world of Cin City, glittering tinsel crown of the Kingdom of New California. When an old not-quite-friend of Shamus Tom Vargas is found dead, Tom gets pulled into a case of murder, magic, and mystery! Sinister archmages! Bodies in alleys! An actual high-speed car ride! And as many bad jokes as the author could cram in! Truly, you deserve to read this book!

Available in paperback, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited. Check it out!

DragonCon nominations are open! Nominate one of my books!

What? I see no particular reason to beat around the bush. If you think MORGAN BAROD or TINSEL RAIN is worth a DragonCon nomination, feel free to click this link and vote for one of them under the Fantasy category. If you don’t think they’re worth nominations, then click on the link anyway and nominate the books you’d prefer. This isn’t a zero-sum game; I don’t need to drag anyone else down in order for me to rise higher.


Second and third wave of TINSEL RAIN books away!

‘Second wave’ being the big orders and ‘third wave’ being various comp copies of TINSEL RAIN. Everything left over is a they-haven’t-done-their-survey situation, but that’s fine. Usually there’s a few who don’t, and I can just nag and nag and nag until they get around to it.

But the books are on their way! Some are even showing up as having been shipped, so you should start seeing your signed copies next week. Huzzah!

Moe Lane

PS: Let me know if you don’t get your books, or if there are any problems.


All right. First wave of TINSEL RAIN books, mailed…

…second wave of TINSEL RAIN books will go out tomorrow, once I’ve confirmed some addresses; and the third wave of books will have to wait upon surveys. So if you haven’t gotten yours, check to see first if you’ve filled out your surveys.

But the big part is absolutely done:

By the way: that’s just a freaking branch. I don’t live in Australia.
