Tweet of the Day, This Addams Family Re-imagining Works Remarkably Well edition.

Particularly Wednesday’s. Really gets the subtle menace of the character. Christina Ricci did a very marvelous job in a movie full of people doing marvelous jobs.

Tweet of the Day, What In God’s Name Was 1971 Even LIKE? edition.

In what universe is this sexy? …For the love of God, do not answer that. I’m appalled enough at the implied rutting in the rotini as it is.

Tweet of the Day, …NO, That Is NOT The Princess Bride edition.

There may or may not be an alternate universe where that cover is indeed an accurate reflection of William Goldman’s The Princess Bride, but it sure as Hell isn’t this one.

Although I will be fair about this; this is clearly a printing from before the movie came out and locked itself in as an essential part of modern American fantasy. No publisher would have tried to get away with a cover like that afterwards. I mean, the very thought of doing so would have been, oh, what’s the word?…

Tweet of the Day, I’ve Never Actually Read The Right To Arm Bears… edition.

…so this contest is actually rather quite handy.  On the other hand: the more people that join up, the harder my chances of winning a copy. On the gripping hand: if one of my regulars wins a copy because I pointed this out… well, that’ll be cool, too.

Tweet of the Day, It’s Good To Imagine Their Faces edition.

Specifically: the project is to imagine what people who expect you to make them art for free must look like.  Not the people who you give art to for free, or the people who accept the art that you gave them for free: the people who feel entitled to free art. Yeah. Those people.

I should note, though: the guy who offered to pay in beer probably should not be included in this Rogues’ Gallery of Shame.  Beer has established monetary value. I’ve known more than one artist who did not object to the idea of trading some quick art for a six-pack of booze.