Tweet of the Day, This Is Both The Best And The Worst Tweet edition.

I recognize that not everybody’s going to have an awesome day today (and that some people aren’t going to have a horrible day today, either); so here’s something that should hopefully make everybody chuckle.  Sometimes companies try too hard, you know?

Tweet of the Day, Clever Girl edition.

So I kept seeing this:

I’m kind of chill about it, though.  Yes, I get why people are worried about headless robots that can open doors.  On the other hand, that looks like a robot that could go to the fridge and get me a beer, which is by definition an excellent robot that would be a valued part of any family.  And, on the gripping hand, all demos are faked. That video took a lot of time to set up.

Tweet of the Day, Oh Crud I Need To Order Cookies From My Goddaughter edition.

Look, unless you’re from a Boston Irish background you have no idea how much trouble I’m in right now.  My goddaughter is also my niece.  I have to go right now

Tweet of the Day, REVENGE ON SILENT WINGS edition.

I got absolutely nothing against either goose hunting or goose hunters; but you have to respect a critter that decides that, if he’s gonna go out, he’s gonna try to take his killer out with him.  It’s what you do, man. It’s what you do.

Tweet of the Day, I’d Play This edition.


Although I’d also play a Polyester-and-Platforms 1970s fantasy campaign set in Tropics Bay where the Halflings are all running Sparkle Dust for their Draconic-led underworld bosses — and shooting each other with self-cocking crossbows. Which, honestly, is what I thought that this picture was first about.  But that’s the nice thing about creativity. You don’t have to tie yourself down.