
The original Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines was released 15 years ago. On top of an absolute mouthful of a title, it was one of the best RPGs of its time, a memorable, heady mix of vampires and Los Angeles crime. It was also the epitome of a cult classic, which is to say it reviewed well but sold poorly. So it’s both a massive surprise and a welcome one that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, a full-fat, also-a-mouthful sequel, was announced at GDC last night. It’s real, folks, and it’s scheduled to release in early 2020 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. 

Bloodlines 2 will take the series to a new city, Seattle, and expand upon the vampire society that made the first game great. You play as a young vampire who was forcibly turned as part of a taboo “Mass Embrace,” and who must now learn to navigate a bloody political landscape. 

I never dared hope for a sequel. I was almost afraid of one. But this… this is awesome. While… :checking: …yup, still almost afraid of it. What if it’s not as good?

Welp, guess we’ll see…

In the Mail: The Slipcover Vampire: The Masquerade.

This is the one Ken Hite edited. And it is, to use a word, lush.

Core book here.

Fifth edition, three-volume set of Vampire: The Masquerade, comes from Modiphius Entertainment. I look forward to perusing it further. Now if they’d only do an updated Mage: the Ascension*…

Moe Lane

*I would absolutely play in a reverse M:tA campaign where I was a Void Engineer trying to cure the excesses of both my own side and that of the Nine Traditions. I’d also like a pony and eternal youth, so that I could actually have time to play in such a campaign, and a way to get there.

So, yeah, I grabbed 5E Vampire: the Masquerade.

To quote Charlie Stross: I failed my save vs. shiny roll and picked up the VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE, SLIP CASE SET. They set it up pretty slick, too.  Pick up the core book? No problem!  Hey, here’s one of the two supplements.  Oh, look at that price; well, to be expected.  Only… it’s only a little bit less than the three-supplement-and-slipcase option.  Hell, they’re practically giving you the third book, when you think about it.

:rattle dice:

…Crud.  Where’s my credit card?  Or, in this case: where’s my PayPal account?  Oh, well, at least I’m helping to keep Ken Hite solvent.  That’s not the worst thing in the world to do with one’s money.

Choose the form of the Destructor: the new Vampire: The Masquerade is up for preorder.

[Expletive deleted].

[Expletive deleted], [Expletive deleted], [Expletive deleted]-y [Expletive deleted]. This is bad, man.  This Vampire: The Masquerade preorder has tiers.  Tiers are dangerous.  You start off at the lowest one, and you figure that this is fine — and then you start looking at the higher tiers, and realizing that all you need to do is put in a little more to get a good deal on something that you’re going to get anyway.  And there’s your new baseline, neighbor.  It all ends with you trying to explain to your wife why you spent eight hundred bucks on a limited edition hardback with leather covers and hand-written pagination.

I’ll tell you the answer. It’s because you are weak. And because this version of VtM is Ken Hite’s baby, and it’s going to help feed his book habit.  And, yeah, because it looks so very, very pretty.

The signup for the notification of the preorder of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th edition.

You can sign up here.  Pre-orders of the Fifth Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade start Saturday April 28th; those books will ship in August.  I have signed up to be notified of the reminder to pre-order, with absolute good will on my part: Ken Hite is the Lead Designer for that product, so let me just go get my credit card out.  It’s much simpler that way, really.

Moe Lane

PS: No, no Kickstarter.  Apparently they don’t need the funding. Or the built-in early order infrastructure.

Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition in pre-alpha playtest.

Interestingly, White Wolf is downright eager to have people take a look at the pre-Alpha ruleset.  They’ve made it available for download here, and want players’ and GMs’ feedback prior to the Alpha playtest (starting in August).  Of course, when you have a title like Vampire: The Masquerade, you can be reasonably certain that people are going to buy your latest edition, usually while actually throwing their money at you in their haste to get their hands on The Precious. …Yes, I should have come up with something that was more World of Darkness there, but I had wicked insomnia last night and I’m kind of loopy right now.

Moe Lane

PS: Yup, I’m thinking of running the adventure.  Either online, or with my players.  Tough call.

@kennethhite will be Lead Designer for the new Vampire: the Masquerade.

Alternate title: Everything’s gonna be OK, folks.  Ken Hite would have had the authorial and editorial chops to do this even before Night’s Black Agents came out; and getting that one out and acclaimed makes him the best choice.  And I am kind of pleased to see that it’s going to be Vampire: the Masquerade again. I had no real objections to Vampire: the Requiem, but it never caught fire with me. Continue reading @kennethhite will be Lead Designer for the new Vampire: the Masquerade.

Hey! Vampire: the Masquerade is now on Humble Bundle! Cheap, too.

Via Twitter comes this nice bit of news:

Direct link here. Nice to have those in electronic form, although I wouldn’t mind it if it had been the Mage: The Ascension stuff instead. Also: it’s nice that Humble Bundle is branching out into RPGs. Between them and Bundle of Holding they should keep my electronic gaming library nice and full…

Just finished Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines.

It’s good. It’s very good, particularly considering that it was made almost a decade and a half ago.  I don’t know if I’m ready to turn around and play it again, but that’s largely because it commanded a good deal of my attention and I’m ready to recharge my videogame immersion batteries a bit.  If you have the cash to pick it up, do so… AND GET THE UNOFFICIAL PATCH.  They were not kidding when they said that the unofficial patch converted Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines from a tragically flawed masterpiece into just a masterpiece.

Moe Lane

PS: Toreador Queen of the Girl Scouts who went Camarilla in the end, of course. Not that I had any issue with the Anarchs; it was just that I was, well, Toreador. Chaos might be good for art, but it’s typically very, very bad on art.  If I run through again I figure I can go Malkavian Anarch then.