Elizabeth Warren disses Hillary Clinton.

Because she can, of course:

Hillary Clinton will be joined by 13 of the 14 Democratic women of the U.S. Senate at a fundraiser Monday night in Washington, D.C., an attempt by the front-runner’s campaign to flex its establishment muscle as the first caucuses and primaries draw closer.

But one Democratic leader is notably missing from the roster of women headlining the Women for Hillary endorsement event: Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

You can do that when your own party wants you to be the first female major-party Presidential candidate.  Even when you don’t quite have the nerve yourself to go for that particular brass ring.  Especially when you don’t quite have the nerve, I suppose.  What is Hillary gonna do, support the Republican candidate in Warren’s next election?

Kathleen Kane keeps on with keeping Pennsylvania-SEN safe for Pat Toomey.

Here’s a question for the ages:

So if there’s one question that’s come up again and again in the tangled legal surrounding Attorney General Kathleen Kane, it’s this one: Exactly how much lawyering can one do when the state Supreme Court has suspended your license to practice law?

The basic problem for Kathleen Kane here is that right now she can’t actually say anything (including press releases) that implies that she’s a lawyer.  Largely because, according to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, she’s not actually one.  So now she’s being forced to write out all of her press releases as being from “Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane’s office.” Which is clumsy, sure – but so is stubbornly refusing to resign after you get caught abusing your power.  Oops, did I write that out?  I must be part of the conspiracy, then.

No, seriously, I have to be part of the Conspiracy.

The Climate Change Ritual Dance.

Oh, this is good.

…there is a very real hope that the 21st UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21), which starts on Monday, will be the last. Either Prince Charles and Dame Vivienne will prevail, and COP 21 will rescue Mother Earth from destruction by agreeing worldwide legally binding carbon emission restraints; or they won’t, and then, by their own logic, it will be too late for any international conference to do anything ever again, so they might as well shut up.

In case you were wondering, the author takes a third position: to wit, nothing will happen, and… nothing will then happen.  Which is very sensible of the fellow… and by that I mean that I agree with him, of course. Nothing will happen, and nothing will happen.  Which is the solution that everybody wants, really.  Well, everybody who isn’t a dupe, of course.

Quote of the Day, True, Some Of Them Want Hot Naked Guys Instead edition.

Background: Pirelli Tires likes to put out a calendar of hot naked or semi-clothed chicks every year. Real high-end stuff, from the absolutely top-of-their-profession photographers: and how did they get them? Because Pirelli let those photographers have complete artistic freedom. Well, the photographer this year (Annie Leibovitz) felt free to deconstruct the entire thing by skipping over the entire ‘hot’ and ‘lacking clothing’ thing, instead creating a Solemn, Even Somber Political Statement About How Men Shouldn’t Enjoy Looking At Pretty Young Women.  The entire NYT article is entertaining, without meaning to be – but this last bit is perfect: Continue reading Quote of the Day, True, Some Of Them Want Hot Naked Guys Instead edition.

Tweet of the Day, Watch Climate Change Fundamentalists Desecrate A Memorial edition.

It’s not that your average climate change fanatic acts badly. It’s not even that they cannot act well. It’s that they apparently have no real conception of what ‘acting badly’ and ‘acting well’ even MEAN.

I mean, I don’t have to tell anybody reading this Do not trample a memorial to murdered people.  I don’t have to tell the average member of the Democratic party this, either. I probably wouldn’t have to tell a regular, ordinary liberal – well, maybe a few. But most would get it. But God save us from religious fanatics who don’t understand that they’re either…