Democrats reduced to hiding in bushes, posting creepy stalker videos.

I’m not joking about either. Ohio Rep. Jim Renacci (R) told Politico that a neighbor had caught somebody doing precisely that, and I’m pretty sure Politico believes him: they have collected some really, really creepy videos (including one targeting Renacci) of what is apparently an organized effort to sit outside candidate/legislator houses and businesses and… film them.  In many cases, going for a 360 degree shot that shows the entire exterior – and if you haven’t already gotten a certain wariness from this new wrinkle in the political process, then really, that last bit should be setting off alarm bells.  There’s a point where this sort of thing becomes ‘casing’ a place; looking for weak points in building security qualifies.

The truly crazy bit? This is apparently under the aegis of the Democrats themselves: “Democrats, on the other hand, insist the videos are fair game — and are unapologetic about the hardball tactics.”  The videos are apparently being sponsored by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (at least, that’s how I’m interpreting DCCC spokesman Jesse Ferguson’s defiant defense of the practice); certainly there seems to be a common format, and it’s been done in multiple locations at this point.  Which basically means that the DCCC is out and out stalking the Republican party.

Again, I’m not joking.  Lurking in bushes.

Continue reading Democrats reduced to hiding in bushes, posting creepy stalker videos.

#rsrh DNC cheapskates not reimbursing Concord, NC for lost convention expenses?

This is an older story, but you’d think that it’d have been a larger one:

The city of Concord was blind-sided Monday night by a decision to move the Democratic National Convention’s kickoff party to uptown Charlotte.

On Tuesday, city officials learned that the time and tax money spent preparing for the Labor Day event is lost and will not be reimbursed.

Continue reading #rsrh DNC cheapskates not reimbursing Concord, NC for lost convention expenses?

#rsrh Let me predict something about Idle Time Books.

Idle Time Books is, for those who haven’t read this Washington Post article yet on e-sales tax (an article that somehow manages to avoid noting that existing e-sales taxes have not increased revenue) (both links via Ben Domenech at Ricochet), being presented as the Plucky Little Company That Will Serve As a Club With Which To Morally Beat The Big, Bad Amazon:

Still, local retailers hope the sales tax measures will give them a chance to compete.

“I’ve got to file a form every month, and I’m only one tiny business,” said Val Morgan, owner of Idle Time Books, a 30-year old bookstore in Adams Morgan. “If I can do it, surely Amazon can.”

Continue reading #rsrh Let me predict something about Idle Time Books.

#rsrh Civility in politics benchmark: are guns being brandished on Meet The Press?

Then we’re probably still doing OK:

A Jordanian member of parliament pulled a gun on a political activist during a furious debate live on Jordanian TV on Thursday.
Continue reading #rsrh Civility in politics benchmark: are guns being brandished on Meet The Press?

One question about the new Robocop movie?

…How in the name of God are they going to come up with a Detroit that’s worse than real life?  That city is at the point where it doesn’t need a ‘new direction’: it needs a zombie plan.

Trailer via Do-Gooder Press.

Moe Lane Continue reading One question about the new Robocop movie?

#rsrh Ah, Karma: WI-SEN Senator John Lehman (D) on borrowed political time.

Christian Schneider has the details, and they’re hysterical.  Short version: John Lehman is – assuming that he wins the various recall challenges – the new Democratic state senator for Wisconsin Senate District 21.  Small problem for Lehman, though: he’s eligible for recall himself a year from now.  Even worse: his district has been previously redrawn, the better to excise out the folks that voted for him in the last recall.  Basically, it works out like this:

If a small percentage of district residents (about 15,000 people) decide they want to hold a new election under the new map, they must simply wait until July 2013 to begin recalling Lehman. And if Lehman is recalled, he will lose the seat. According to the GOP’s demographic numbers, the new 21st Senate District is 57.5% Republican, while the old district was split evenly.

I really, really hope that Wisconsin Democrats truly enjoy the breeze that is coming out of the door that they’ve opened, here.  And I would like to gently remind them: it’s a little late to try to placate Wisconsin Republicans now.  You people threatened their families.  That’s not going to be forgiven in a hurry.

Moe Lane rediscovers its anti-Semitic, racist roots: endorses [apologizes to] racist anti-Semite Charles Barron for NY-08. [UPDATED and corrected.]

[Well, this is embarrassing: Jeffries of course won his nomination, because the Good Lord looks after fools, drunks, and the United States of America. Everybody have a good laugh at me; I somehow crossed wires on this one. Corrections and annotations below.- Moe Lane]

Politicker has the background. Basically, it went down like this: over in NY-08 the choice for the Democratic nomination was between Hakeem Jeffries and Charles Barron. The major difference between the two was that Mr. Jeffries did not have a history of praising Muammar Qaddafi and Robert Mugabe, calling Israel a terrorist nation, and/or advocating physical attacks on white people*… and while in a civilized party having an opponent who did all these things would pretty much guarantee you the nomination, in the Democratic party none of this is an insurmountable obstacles to a nomination. So, – like a good little fully-owned subsidiary (and toady) of the Democratic establishment, went full-bore against Mr. Barron. To quote them: “There are some people who don’t belong in elected office. Charles Barron is one of those people.” Which is a reasonable statement, no matter what your partisan alignment is, right?

Alas… Charles Barron won [lost, thank God] his nomination battle, so you’d expect to then put basic human decency about abjectly pitiful partisanship and start [be happy about it (and never mind backing Republican Alan Bellone)]... HAHAHA! I slay myself. No, of course went into full reverse and started begging Barron’s pardon:

Last month, you received an email from MoveOn about Councilman Charles Barron, a candidate for Congress in your district. It was offensive and inflammatory—and we shouldn’t have sent it.

On behalf of the MoveOn staff, I apologize to you and to the Brooklyn community.

Although I half-believe that apology represents true regret, actually. It must have been quite a strain for to not cleave to the Jew-hating racist in the first place; being able to go back to Charles Barrons’ bigoted embrace must have been fundamentally reassuring to them on, and I use the term fairly loosely, a spiritual level. In that context it’s almost a shame that Barron made them crawl like that, but then… it’s They chose a long time ago to be convenient… receptacles… for their Democratic betters; I can’t be expected to respect them if they won’t even respect themselves. [Umm… actually, that pretty much can stay the same.  In fact, the fact that Barron lost this race reinforces the above paragraph.]

One last note: during their earlier – and possibly? probably? forced – disapproval of Charles Barron, sought to insult Barron by calling him the dirtiest term in their particular, and rather debased, lexicon (‘tea partier’). Two points about that. One, the typical length of time that any filth-mongering racist scum of Barron’s caliber would spend at a Tea Party function before being shown the door would be, at best, measured in minutes. Second: while I understand that is upset that the Tea Party gets respect while it does not, I politely suggest that one major reason why this would be so is because the Tea Party’s favored reaction to losing a particular internal political fight is not to abjectly surrender. [As well as winning a particular internal political fight, too.  Seriously: the more I think about it, the more depraved this apology is.  The bad guy lost this primary, remember? So why apologize to him?]

Have a nice day! [Also still true: and, in fact, I am keeping this up on RS’s front page anyway.  This is pretty disgusting stuff on’s part, really.]

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*They were also upset that Charles Barron is against same-sex marriage. I happen to disagree with him on that, too – but I’m not seeing where that’s even close in equivalence to suggesting that the entire nation of Israel is made up of terrorists. Opposing same-sex marriage is, in point of fact, one of two mainstream positions in American contemporary political thought; while Barron’s blind hatred of Israel is a fringe position found only among the most miserable of wretches.