I expect that Jan Brewer is going to have an interesting primary.

[UPDATE] Or maybe the question is moot:

And by ‘interesting’ I mean ‘savage.’

Republican legislative leaders are not happy with Gov. Jan Brewer calling a special session to prompt votes on a $1.6 billion Medicaid expansion she supports.

Brewer, also a Republican, called the session to have legislators vote on the state budget and the Medicaid expansion, which leverages money from President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Continue reading I expect that Jan Brewer is going to have an interesting primary.

Actually, this Cook Political Report is even MORE problematical for Democrats…

than it looks:

In 2012 – according to exit polls – House Democrats won 60 percent of voters ages 18-29, 51 percent of voters ages 30-44, 47 percent of voters ages 45-64, and 44 percent of voters ages 65 and older. That combination was enough to win them a 49 percent to 48 percent plurality of all votes cast for House (even if Republicans still kept a comfortable majority thanks to Democrats’ inefficient distribution on the map and redistricting).

But had Democrats won the same levels of support among each age group in 2010, Republicans would still have won a clear plurality of all votes cast that year. How? Voters under the age of 30 were 19 percent of all voters in 2012, but just 12 percent of all voters in 2010. Likewise, voters 65 and up were 17 percent of all voters in 2012, but 21 percent of all voters in 2012. Herein lies the biggest danger for Democratic candidates in 2014.

And it looks pretty bad.  Basically, the Democrats have the usual “their demographic groups don’t turn out in midterms” problem; and there’s no indication that they’re doing anything effective in reversing that for 2014.  Or, more accurately, there’s no indication that Barack Obama is doing anything effective in reversing that for 2014, largely because he doesn’t really care.  “I won,” remember?  That’s the motto of this administration, first, last, and always.

Continue reading Actually, this Cook Political Report is even MORE problematical for Democrats…

Tweet of the Day, This Is Apparently Why They Hated Him edition.

This particular moment was apparently the one, because the Left’s been trying to push back on it ever since.

Good luck with that, guys.

Wisconsin Democrats looking at “Anybody But ME!” for Governor race?

Democrats in Wisconsin want you to know: they’re going to be on the stick for 2014!

Wisconsin Democrats repeatedly made the argument at their state convention over the weekend that Governor Scott Walker needs to be defeated in 2014.

Hear that!  They’re tanned! Rested! And ready to go!

However, there continue to be few hints about exactly who will take on that challenge in the coming months.

…Oh.  Right.  One of them will have to actually volunteer to walk into the buzzsaw. Continue reading Wisconsin Democrats looking at “Anybody But ME!” for Governor race?


Sweet merciful GOD.

If Lyme disease isn’t reason enough to avoid ticks, here’s another: the inability to enjoy a burger.

Odd as it seems, researchers say that bites from the voracious lone star tick are making some people allergic to red meat—even if they’ve never had a problem eating it before.



Ex-FCC chairman Reed Hundt freaks out about rumored Koch Brothers LA Times purchase.

Heh.  I remember when it was Rupert Murdoch that the Democrats all hated…

A former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission said rules limiting common ownership of newspapers and television stations in the same market should be gutted — even if it clears the way for media mogul Rupert Murdoch to control more news outlets including the Los Angeles Times.

Reed Hundt, Democratic chairman of the FCC during much of the Clinton administration and a self-confessed progressive, said in a speech Wednesday at UCLA that the long-standing rule is “perverse” and needs to be thrown out.

Continue reading Ex-FCC chairman Reed Hundt freaks out about rumored Koch Brothers LA Times purchase.

Bush Rehabilitation Watch: And The Worm Doth Turn edition.

How entertaining. Gallup gives the news:

PRINCETON, NJ — Americans’ views of former president George W. Bush have improved, with 49% now viewing him favorably and 46% unfavorably. That is the first time since 2005 that opinions of him have been more positive than negative.

This is, of course, normal: most Presidents get better reputations after they leave office, particularly once they can be contrasted with their successors. Happened with every President that I remember except, I think, Nixon; and it’ll happen with Obama, and who ever succeeds him, and whoever succeeds Obama’s successor. Then why is it entertaining? …Oh, that’s just because I’m thinking of all those people in the Online Left out there who have based their self-image on being The People Who Opposed The Tyrant Bush. Now they’re The People Who Opposed That Bush Fellow Who Wasn’t Really So Bad, Honestly; And, Hey, He Did Fight AIDS.


…Oops? Continue reading Bush Rehabilitation Watch: And The Worm Doth Turn edition.