John Kerry, v2.0. …Not that they really wanted v1.0, either.

I kind of agree, kind of disagree.

The more one watches the coverage of Mrs Clinton, the more it becomes apparent that it won’t be the serious scandals – the Benghazis or the private email account – that will matter. Rather, the much greater danger is that she could become a joke.

Unlike Barack Obama’s early days, Mrs Clinton isn’t viewed as “off limits” to the entertainment and media worlds. And unlike her husband, former president Bill Clinton, Mrs Clinton must get elected in a world where conservative websites and citizen journalists with camera phones are ubiquitous.

Continue reading John Kerry, v2.0. …Not that they really wanted v1.0, either.

Hey, Tim Tebow’s reportedly heading back to the NFL.

Gonna play for the Eagles:

The Eagles are reportedly set to sign quarterback Tim Tebow Monday as they begin their offseason workout program, according to FOX Sports NFL Insider Jay Glazer.

The team is convinced he’s improved a lot and will keep him as their fourth QB on the roster for the offseason program, according to the report.

This will undoubtedly infuriate a lot of people who typically call football ‘American football’ because to call soccer ‘soccer’ is apparently a travesty. Personally, I never could quite figure out just why he engenders such a harsh reaction from various elements of the Left. I mean, I know that the “committed Christian” thing was and is provocative to that sort, but it still seemed a bit over-the-top. Maybe it was the way that he got a team in the cellar to the playoffs? – Some people do so hate to see other people do well.

Eh. The guy may not even play all that much this year anyway.

Tweet of the Day, Now This Is What Good Parenting Looks Like edition.

I believe that the answer is… actually, I do not know. Google searches using the relevant terms provided some highly dubious results. Apparently intersecting “extraterrestrial” and “Fourth Amendment” leads one to rather odd, conspiracy-theory dominated, head-spaces. Still, this kid was taught properly:

Well, it’s not that I want California to actually *burn*.

Americans live there. Shoot, illegal immigrants live there, and I don’t want to see any of them hurt in a societal crash, either.  But I cannot pretend that watching the state have a -3 or -4 Electoral Vote crash after the next Census wouldn’t appeal to me, and while Jerry Brown is merely the symptom of California’s problems he’s a fairly blatant one: Continue reading Well, it’s not that I want California to actually *burn*.

Laaaaaaaaazy day today…

…and I feel no shame at all, at all.  A large portion of it was spent vaguely trying to figure out where the cat had gotten to, outside.  Turns out that what he had gotten to outside was to promptly come back inside; only I somehow forgot about that.  I decided that this situation indicated that I should emulate my cat and go take a nap, which was a smart call on my part.

No, I don’t expect anybody to find this interesting. It’s still funny that I forgot that I let the cat back in, though.  Certainly my wife was amused.

So, Gov. Rick Snyder (R, Michigan) is thinking of jumping into the 2016 fray.

Ed Morrissey has the details. On Gov. Rick Snyder’s actual prospects I’m… shrugging.  He’s a successful two-term governor in a swing state who has a solid conservative win (right-to-work) under his belt.  But we’ve got a lot of those right now, if you know what I mean?

And that’s the real story, isn’t it?  In 2012 that description would have – did – propel a candidate instantly to the top of the list.  In 2016 it’s – well, Snyder’s record is something to be proud of, but it’s nothing too special.  I really, really enjoy having a candidate pool this deep.  It gives us a margin for error.

Moe Lane

PS: Kind of significant that there’s no shortage of successful Republican politicians deciding that the political situation is worth a little speculative activity. We had a certain lack of that in 2012, alas.

…Isn’t this Daily Beast article on a Grand Canyon development project racist?

I do believe that by the Activist Left’s own rules it’s racist. “If a collective of big money investment interests have their way, the 5 million people who flock to the Grand Canyon’ breathtaking vistas every year will also soon be able to get in some shopping and catch a film on an IMAX theatre built right on top of the canyon’s rim.” The article goes on to patronizingly suggest that American Indians Native Americans First Peoples are incapable of deciding for themselves that there’s a lot of sense in separating Grand Canyon tourists from their money via various amenities.  Apparently the Left prefers indigenous peoples to stay in the quaint, (and awkwardly poor) rustic reservations that the paternalistic federal government placed them in.

:shaking head: …Man.  White people. Continue reading …Isn’t this Daily Beast article on a Grand Canyon development project racist?