How nice: @PPAct to helpfully attack four GOP Senators.

I’d suggest that the Senators send Planned Parenthood a fruit basket in response, but… I will not finish that sentence.

Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday that it is launching ads targeting vulnerable Republican senators over talk of defunding the organization.

The ads will run in the home states of Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), all of whom face tough reelection races next year.

Continue reading How nice: @PPAct to helpfully attack four GOP Senators.

How many politicians will abruptly resign because of the Ashley Madison hack?

For those of you who don’t know: Ashley Madison is a for-profit website that was explicitly set up to help people commit adultery.  It got hacked.  Hoo, boy, but it got hacked. The hackers, remarkably, then demanded that Ashley Madison shut itself down – or else the hackers would release the information into the wild. Apparently Ashley Madison did not comply.

Guess what? Continue reading How many politicians will abruptly resign because of the Ashley Madison hack?

Reality Defeats Me with this surreal Hillary Clinton presser.

I got nothing that can top this for sheer insanity, sorry.

Continue reading Reality Defeats Me with this surreal Hillary Clinton presser.

Tweet of the Day, THAT’S An Alarming Unemployment Trendline edition.

There’s absolutely no argument from me that you don’t want to read too much into a dramatic graph.

At the same time, sometimes dramatic things do happen. Certainly it’s significant enough looking that people on the Left are there and starting to push back on it in earnest.  And why is it so difficult for the Left to admit that minimum wages have a negative impact on employment, anyway? It’s economics that even non-economists can understand.

The SPECIFIC reason why you’re a dolt if you wept smug tears over that fake Native American nations map.

My buddy and colleague Caleb Howe did a very nice job on dismantling the dolts who can’t tell an alternate history map of hypothetical Native American tribes in the modern day with an actual map of pre-Columbian Native American nations:

You want to complain about education? Here is my complaint: we don’t teach attention to detail or critical thinking. People accept as true something that confirms the beliefs they already bitterly cling to. So this work of fiction becomes an indictment of the racist nature of education in America because some people never saw it and, once they did, just accepted as true a premise that comes from … well who knows? As I said, the date is literally directly on it.

Continue reading The SPECIFIC reason why you’re a dolt if you wept smug tears over that fake Native American nations map.

Quote of the Day, I’ll Take ‘Better Communication Methods’ For $500, Alex edition.


“Somewhere in the latter half of the eighties, it became much easier for weird bands to do band things: play shows, make records, go on tour. The hows and whys that had been so elusive just a few years earlier were now shared through surprisingly effective samizdat and word-of-mouth networks,” writes [Jon] Fine, a member of “resolutely non-famous bands” such as Bitch Magnet and Coptic Light.

What is “The first really portable cell phones showed up?”  And as Fine noted in that article (he’s written a book called Your Band Sucks: What I Saw at Indie Rock’s Failed Revolution (But Can No Longer Hear)), things are even better now.  And I must add: it’s always interesting to see who hates it when society makes it easier to buy or sell things. Interesting… and instructive.