The “Independence Day: Resurgence” trailer.

I think that my buddy Joe Cunningham sums it up rather well, honestly.

Seriously: it looks like they’ve decided to take advantage of the fact that all the actors are twenty years older by setting the sequel twenty years later, as well. I find this somewhat reassuring; it implies that people took seriously the idea of making this sequel.  That’s not always a given.

Moe Lane

PS: Of course I’m going to go see this film.  I’ve seen the first Independence Day more times than I can count; no way am I going to pass this up. Unless I thought that it would suck; and it doesn’t look guaranteed to suck, based on this trailer.

And up goes the Christmas tree.

We’re one of those benighted families that use an artificial tree – in our defense, we travel a lot during Christmas season – so today I finally succumbed to my kids’ nagging and we put it up.  This was the first year that the kids really noticed all those ornaments that they had to make in years gone by, so that was nice.  Now all I have to do is keep answering “I don’t know” to repeated inquiries of “Will it snow on Christmas?”…

“Nations ‘Approve’ ‘Landmark’ ‘Climate Accord’ in Paris.”

The scare quotes in that NYT article title are mine.  Why?  Because they’re all fibs, at best.

  • ‘Approve.’ India and China are going to keep ignoring the damned thing; and this ‘accord’ will get passed by the US Congress when pigs fly.  Eliminate two of the biggest polluters and the (barely, still) world hegemon, and the rest is mere statistical noise.
  • ‘Landmark.’ The ‘world community’ passes meaningless ‘accords’ all the time.
  • ‘Climate accord.’ Try ‘agitprop feelgood exercise that comes with some legal bribery attached to get the Third World to sign on.’  …Then again, the NYT has font size limitations and a front page to consider, so perhaps I’m being unfair on this one.

Seriously, who believes this stuff? And do they habitually operate heavy machinery? It’s alarming to think that they might.

Tweet of the Day, Ted Cruz Lets Cher Off Easy edition.

I mean, I would have added a ‘Bless your heart,’ but Ted Cruz is nicer than I am.

Seriously, though. That poor woman. I blame the Democrats, really.